Beijing SMIC Private School provides an education centered around building character and developing the skills necessary for confidence and growth. We empower our students to become the leaders of tomorrow. Student Spotlight Welcome from Principal Christie It is a pleasure to welcome you to the Bei...
beijing SMIC private school 所在地区 北京市大兴区 学校性质 民办学校 创立时间 2005年 开设阶段 幼儿园 小学 初中 高中 学校地址 北京经开区凉水河二街9号 学费区间 10~17万/年 课程体系 双语国际 学校简介 北京市中芯学校是中芯国际集成电路(北京)制造有限公司于2005年投资兴办的一所提供K-12一站式国际化...
北京市中芯学校 Beijing SMIC Private School (SMIC) 北京市中芯学校由中芯国际集成电路(北京)制造有限公司于2005年投资兴办,包括幼儿园、小学,初中和高中,是一所具有鲜明双语特色的民办学校。建校初期,学校以服务中芯国际及开发区其他高新产业企业员工子女为主,后逐步对社会开放,分享优质教育资源,深受国内外员工与...
电话:(010)6785 3030 转 2311 / 2108 / 2468 邮箱 网址 微信:SMIC-PRIVATE-SCHOOL
Beijing SMIC Private School (北京市中芯学校,website) was invested and established by SMIC (Beijing) Co. Ltd. to provide complete education for kindergarten, elementary school, middle school and high school. Here we have a large amount of excellent foreign teachers in both our school and kinderg...
Beijing SMIC Private School 北京市中芯学校,由中芯国际集成电路(北京)制造有限公司于2005年投资兴办,包括幼儿园、小学,初中和高中,是一所具有鲜明双语特色的民办学校。 学校办学十八年来,秉承“品格第一、追求卓越、胸怀世界、快乐成长”的教育理念,为学生提供优质服务。目前,学校拥有超过400名教师(包括80多名外籍...
北京市中芯学校BeijingSMICPrivateSchool 北京市中芯学校 ? SMIC Private School No. 9 Liangshuihe 2nd Street, Beijing Economic Technological Development Area, China, 100176 中国北京经济技术开发区凉水河二街9号 100176) Tel: +86 (10) 6785-3030 ext 2108 Fax: +86 (10)-5802 6784 入学申请表 ...
Superintendent at Shanghai SMIC Private School (SMIC-I). Thanks to Kinglead for organizing this Nobel Innovation Forum and to the Western Academy of Beijing for co-hosting this event. It’s an honor to join you here today to speak about Innovation, Vision, and Achievement at our school. ...
Established in September 2005, Beijing SMIC Kindergarten is a private kindergarten invested and run by Ssemiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (Beijing). Since 2007, the kindergarten has been accepting children from the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area. ...
smic学校privateschoolbeijing北京市论文论文指导设计 BeijingSMICPrivateSchool北京市中芯学校《插班生入学申请表》学习系列(选一):中文部英文部***请每个申请人提供完整无缺的申请材料,申请材料将不予退还。一、申请人基本情况:申请人姓名:(***___(英文)性别:出生日期:___年___月日出生地:国籍:若有其它国家永久...