Fall in love, start a family, pursue dream careers, and fulfill life goals and wishes. Have fun your way in The Sims Mobile!
Complete Hobby Events to become the best cook, musician, and more! Earn extra Simoleons while your Sim hones their craft. Start a Career, Relationship, or Hobby Story Your Sims can choose different Stories and Hobbies. Hobbies include Cooking, Guitar, Writing, and more! The more you play,...
Start interacting! Build your relationship level with other Sims by doing different social actions. Stick to the same type of action to build that kind of relationship. Not happy with the way your Sims’ relationship is going? Tap the other Sim and swipe up until you seeMore Options. There ...
Create your Sims, give them unique personalities, and customize their homes with more detail than ever before on mobile. Interact with other Sims to form relationships and unlock rewards. Experience your Sims’ lives as they accomplish career goals, party with friends, and fall in love. What st...
當模擬市民18歲之後,《The Sims 模擬市民手機版》會在我的行動設備上提供全新的體驗。不需要待在家裡才能玩,不管我去哪裡做什麼,我的模擬市民都能和我在一起。就像是夢想成真!–Arsen Girl Gaming我可以透過下列方式隨時取消訂閱:變更我的電子郵件偏好設定、聯絡 privacyadmin.ea.com,或是寫信到:Electronic Arts ...
CATCH UP WITH A CLASSIC The Sims Mobile My, how they’ve grown! Time to meet your new neighbors. TSM Game Play with life. View
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| THE SIMS MOBILE // CAS 6:11 訣竅 軟發佈 The Sims Mobile- Part Six: Getting Married & Wedding Quest 14:42 ea遊戲改變者 訣竅 Let's Play The Sims Mobile (It has Emojis?!) 23:09 訣竅 軟發佈 The Sims Mobile - NEW BEGINNING | Sims Mobile Ep.1 24:51 ea遊戲改變者 訣竅 Les...
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