一律要將您的帳號連結到Facebook、Apple ID、EA帳號、Twitter或Google Play,以確保您的帳號已備份。 當您切換到受支援裝置後,登入即可移轉您的進度。 仍需要協助?
Нижевынайдетеинструкцию, каксоздатьрезервнуюкопиюданных The Sims Mobile, привязавигрукучетнойзаписи Game Center, Google Play, Facebook, X или EA.
- A network connection is required to play. Do Not Sell My Personal Information: https://tos.ea.com/legalapp/WEBPRIVACYCA/US/en/PC/ User Agreement: terms.ea.com Privacy and Cookie Policy: privacy.ea.com Visit help.ea.com for assistance or inquiries. EA may retire online features after ...
【simsmobile】终于有阳台啦loft coffe lounge BeMine 东西还是很少 依旧没有泳池 最近太无聊了😂宅着就建房子 外形参考是外网博主的做法 装修是自己搞的哈😅实在没有其他风格 感觉自己在现实中和游戏里都只喜欢一种风格 果然游戏里的审美就是代表人生啊 最近想重新玩回freeplay了…东西多 🏠毕竟建造游戏也没...
- This game is free to play, but you can choose to pay real money for some extra items, which will charge your Apple account. You can disable in-app purchasing by adjusting your device settings. - Advertising appears in this game. ...
t just offer the in-depth life simulation gameplay that you find on these games, but also the massive social world with millions of online gamers. Find yourself interacting with thousands of online gamers and share your thoughts about life. Plus, it’s free to play. So I don’t see any...
- This game is free to play, but you can choose to pay real money for some extra items, which will charge your Apple account. You can disable in-app purchasing by adjusting your device settings. - Advertising appears in this game. ...
The Sims Play with life in The Sims™ Mobile! Create your Sims, give them unique personalities, and customize their homes with more detail than ever before on -
Always make sure you link your account to Facebook, Apple ID, EA account, Twitter, or Google Play to ensure your account is backed up. Once you’ve switched to a supported device, log in to carry over your progress. Still need help? Follow @TheSimsMobile for news and updates. Join th...
- This game is free to play, but you can choose to pay real money for some extra items, which will charge your Apple account. You can disable in-app purchasing by adjusting your device settings. - Advertising appears in this game. ...