【模拟人生4】Not so Berry挑战 #05:不要轻易给男朋友测试发明!后果很严重!|The sims4 1860 -- 25:10 App 【模拟人生4】Not so Berry挑战 #46:up主竟被NPC催进度?那就让你们结婚吧~|The sims4 4.7万 3 42:52 App 【模拟人生4】百万富翁挑战#44: 是繁殖期到了吗,漫山遍野的孕妇 928 -- 10:51 ...
这应该不算无缝衔接的渣男吧|The sims4 26:50 【模拟人生4】Not so Berry挑战 #44:第一次坐火箭探索太空!要和全家人分享~|The sims4 19:29 【模拟人生4】Not so Berry挑战 #43:第一个离开我们的家人居然是...|The sims4 26:45 【模拟人生4】Not so Berry挑战 #42:可延续几世纪的恋情...等等,你...
The Not So Berry Challenge was created by Lilisimsie and Alwayssimming and is based off of the Very Berry Legacy Challenge (no I will not go into detail about what that one is about, but just know that it has Berries). And the two key features of this challenge are 1) it...
Gardening is one of the many skills included in The Sims 4 Base Game. Your Sim can expand on their gardening skill through Game Packs, Stuff Packs, Expansion Packs, and Kits. To get started with gardening in The Sims, you’ll need somewhere for your Sim to begin planting. In The Sims ...
2. RUN THE GAME ONCE AND UPDATE YOUR GRAPHICS RULES AND GRAPHICS CARDS FILE SO THE GAME RECOGNIZES YOUR CARDS If you have just installed the game, run it once to create user files in Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 (or another location, if your Documents folder is somewh...
4/8/2016 Den of GeekPremieres galore at Sydney Film Festival Neil Armfield.s Holding the Man, Simon Stone.s The Daughter, Jeremy Sims. Last Cab to Darwin and Jen Peedom.s feature doc Sherpa will have their world premieres at the Sydney Film Festival.The festival program unveiled today incl...
Forum Participant A: The bottom line is, the lazy or incompetent citizens of Pelican Town didn't take the initiative to fix their OWN TOWN, even so far as to not have a working transit system for YEARS if the player doesn't fix it themselves, and I'm expected to believe Joja is ev...
It was found that institutionalization status did not significantly predict academic performance (β = 0.12, p = 0.273). In the second step, cognitive ability, emotion regulation, and negative lability were added as additional predictors. After controlling for institutionalization status (β = −...
Food and Drug Administration’s Nanotechnology Task Force was established to evaluate the risks, explore nanomaterial qualities, and draft stringent rules to govern their usage [238]. However, no standard for health risk assessments has been developed for these nanomaterials before their approval for ...
Here’s why the Lakers believe LeBron James will not ask to be traded LeBron James may no longer be the No. 1 priority for the Lakers, but that doesn’t mean he’ll ask to be traded in the wake of the Luka Doncic trade. Dodgers are heroes, not villains. Plus, you want a Plasc...