模拟人生4新人up主实况首发!喜欢的话可以一键三连支持一下~关于<Not so Berry>挑战的具体规则可以看看这个:https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv7289361?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0第一集:BV1Tu411o76X之后更新都会放在收藏夹里,方便大家随时观看三次事情挺多,更新时间不定
│Not so berry challenge 2│不那麽莓果-白手起家第一代 18:59 徐氏传奇十代挑战🍒#11│撩妹要在夕阳下│模拟人生4│Not so berry challenge 2│不那么莓果2│The Sims 4 22:31 徐氏傳奇十代挑戰🍒#12│島嶼生活-卡瓦派對│模擬人生4│Not so berry challenge 2│不那麼莓果2│The Sims 4 21:47...
【模拟人生4】Not so Berry挑战 #20:霸道女总裁养成日记:初恋这件小事|The sims4 972 6 24:59 App 【模拟人生4】Not so Berry挑战 #18:开启二代挑战 !青春期少女的忧伤我不懂...|The sims4 544 4 33:00 App 【模拟人生4】Not so Berry挑战 #29:落跑新娘?人总是注定会爱上不该爱的人...|The ...
模拟人生4速建搬运:摩洛哥别墅 Moroccan Villa 🌴☀ _ NO CC _ The Sims 4 Speed Build 1469 -- 10:44 App 搬运:家庭郊区Family Suburban | The Sims 4 Stop Motion Build No CC 300 -- 29:47 App 五颜六色的托马朗联排别墅 Colorful Tomarang Townhouses_ 2 Units 🌴 The Sims 4 Speed Build...
The Not So Berry Challenge was created by Lilisimsie and Alwayssimming and is based off of the Very Berry Legacy Challenge (no I will not go into detail about what that one is about, but just know that it has Berries). And the two key features of this challenge are ...
why is my sim saying shes mad about not being creative when she doesn't have the creative trait? Let's Play The Sims 4 Not so Berry challenge Part 2 Sorry its short (Mint Gen) - YouTube hopefully it shows what i mean in that Reply 0 + XP Me too Accepted Solution Highlighted...
Our Random Trait Generator may seem confusing at first, but worry not, these instructions will help you. First off, the generator will assign traits depending on the age of the heir/spare your generating for. To roll a trait and aspiration for a child, please do the following: ...
Well, it will affect each challenge a bit differently. (Bear in mind the Boosts are OPTIONAL. If you don’t want to use them in your challenge, you don’t have to. I personally will not be using them at all because it feels a bit too much like a cheat to me.) ...
4│徐氏传奇十代挑战🍒#4│Not so berry challenge 2│不那麽莓果-白手起家第一代 19:39 模拟4│徐氏传奇十代挑战🍒#5│Not so berry challenge 2│不那麽莓果-白手起家第一代 20:27 模拟4│徐氏传奇十代挑战🍒#6│Not so berry challenge 2│不那麽莓果-白手起家第一代 26:36 模拟4│...
代挑战🍒#4│Not so berry challenge 2│不那麽莓果-白手起家第一代 19:39 模拟人生4│徐氏传奇十代挑战🍒#5│Not so berry challenge 2│不那麽莓果-白手起家第一代 20:27 模拟人生4│徐氏传奇十代挑战🍒#6│Not so berry challenge 2│不那麽莓果-白手起家第一代 26:36 模拟人生4│徐氏传奇十...