{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":11103402,"subject":"The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection","id":"message:11103402","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":173},"Conversation:conversation:11103402":{"__typename":"Conversation","id":"conversation:11103402","solved":true,"topic":{"__ref":"Forum...
The freedom of The Sims 3 will inspire you with endless creative possibilities and amuse you with unexpected moments of surprise and mischief!
登录origin平台,或者浏览器中打开https://account.origin.com/cp-ui/redemption/index?gameId=ebisu后登陆,在兑换产品代码中输入:I-LOVE-THE-SIMS,即可免费获得模拟人生这款游戏了 送TA礼物 1楼2014-07-25 22:20回复 哈哈谙 信使饲主 13 楼主你好 楼主再见 2楼2014-07-25 22:20 回复 ...
"subscribed":false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:the-sims-2-en"},"conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:11103402"},"subject":"Re: The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection","readOnly":false,"editFrozen":false,"moderationData":{"__ref":"ModerationData:moderation_data:11103512"},"body...
The freedom of The Sims 3 will inspire you with endless creative possibilities and amuse you with unexpected moments of surprise and mischief!
capture the spirit and aesthetic of carnaval with dynamic clothing, makeup, and accessories for all sims. the fluidity of the collection encourages sims to blend these interesting pieces into any look for an abundance of joy. *requires the sims 4 (sold separately) and all game updates. show ...
64位系统:Wow6432Node - EA GAMES - The Sims 2 和其中的1.0修改DisplayName项,删掉TM,变成The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection 3楼2017-04-27 02:08 收起回复 游魂的游魂 夜魅一族 3 最后说一下我的系统环境:WIN10专业版 64位,游戏是The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection终极典藏版。另外请问一下有哪位吧友...
To download this item, you must have the full The Sims 3 game installed. The Sims™ 3 Buy | Register Reason Submit Are you sure you want to delete these items? YES NO Are you sure you want to delete these items? YES NO Are you sure you want to delete these items? YES NO ...
We noticed a few threads and posts, more so recently, asking about The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection and whether it's going to make a return on Origin. Please know, there are currently no plans to sell or giveaway this game again in the foreseeable future. Our teams are dedicated to work...
Is there a possibility to geht the sims 2 Ultimate Collection in the EA app? On my new system the game won’t work. ☹️ At first I can’t install it and then the game is crashing when I launch it. I know that the servers of sims 2 are closed but is there a possibility to...