origin免费领取The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection 只看楼主收藏回复 爱笑的华华 信使饲主 13 登录origin平台,或者浏览器中打开https://account.origin.com/cp-ui/redemption/index?gameId=ebisu后登陆,在兑换产品代码中输入:I-LOVE-THE-SIMS,即可免费获得模拟人生这款游戏了 送TA礼物 1楼2014-07-25 22:20...
模拟人生 2:终极合集 The Sims 2: Ultimate Collection 模拟人生 2:花园别墅 The Sims 2: Mansion & Garden Stuff 模拟人生 2:公寓生活 The Sims 2: Apartment Life 模拟人生 2:宜家家居 The Sims 2: IKEA Home Stuff 模拟人生 2:厨房与浴室内部设计 The Sims 2: Kitchen & Bath Interior Design St...
Hi Simmers, We noticed a few threads and posts, more so recently, asking about The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection and whether it's going to make a return... - 11103402
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":11103402,"subject":"The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection","id":"message:11103402","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":173},"Conversation:conversation:11103402":{"__typename":"Conversation","id":"conversation:11103402","solved":true,"topic":{"__ref":"Forum...
模拟人生 2:超级合集 The Sims 2: Super Collection 模拟人生 2:大学城 81 The Sims 2: University 模拟人生 2:创业 78 The Sims 2: Open for Business 模拟人生 2:终极合集 The Sims 2: Ultimate Collection 模拟人生 2 90 The Sims 2 模拟人生 2:四季 78 The Sims 2: Seasons 模拟人生 2...
64位系统:Wow6432Node - EA GAMES - The Sims 2 和其中的1.0修改DisplayName项,删掉TM,变成The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection 3楼2017-04-27 02:08 收起回复 游魂的游魂 夜魅一族 3 最后说一下我的系统环境:WIN10专业版 64位,游戏是The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection终极典藏版。另外请问一下有哪位吧友...
模拟人生 2:花园别墅 The Sims 2: Mansion & Garden Stuff 模拟人生 2:年轻潮流组合 The Sims 2: Teen Style Stuff 模拟人生 2:生存游戏 73 The Sims 2: Castaway 模拟人生 2:超级合集 The Sims 2: Super Collection 模拟人生 2:终极合集 The Sims 2: Ultimate Collection 模拟人生 2:厨房与浴室...
模拟人生 2:花园别墅 The Sims 2: Mansion & Garden Stuff 模拟人生 2:美满生活组合 The Sims 2: Glamour Life Stuff 模拟人生 2:终极合集 The Sims 2: Ultimate Collection 模拟人生 2:欢乐假期组合 The Sims 2: Happy Holiday Stuff 查找游戏: 两个字符以上 由...
Is there a possibility to geht the sims 2 Ultimate Collection in the EA app? On my new system the game won’t work. ☹️ At first I can’t install it and then the game is crashing when I launch it. I know that the servers of sims 2 are closed but is there a possibility to...
Re: The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection I would be interested in that too. I would enjoy playing again. Like 0 Reply 4 Replies Replies sorted by Oldest Tremayne4260 Hero to heronyx2 years ago @heronyx and @Dustlex , EA has stated not only here but on other platforms that there are no ...