Auryx stole the secrets from its flesh and wrote them upon a set of tablets he named the Tablets of Ruin. Having communed with the Witness directly, he returned with the power of Taking, mantled as Oryx, the Taken King.[21] With this new power, Oryx waged war upon the Ecumene and ...
Secrets of the Golden City Enchantment (17) Dawn's ReflectionDeep FreezeFertile GroundFreed from the RealGift of ParadiseHermetic StudyLignifyMarket FestivalNew HorizonsOvergrowthPsionic GiftSheltered AerieSnake UmbraUnable to ScreamUtopia SprawlVerdant HavenWild Growth Artifacts (1) Viridian Longbow Land ...
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This is my offering to biblical scholars who insist on reading at the Dick and Jane level.I suspect, given the sense of humor of Rudyard Kipling, he would forgive me for using his poem to poke fun at snobs CATASTROPHE THEORY AND THE KINGDOM OF MESSIAH Steve Van Nattan "This is a study...
Secrets of Success from C.S. Lewis. Clive Staples Lewis, known as Jack. Not just who lifted you up while you were running the marathon but the people who modeled life and you thought, “I want more of that.” They showed you a vibrancy of life. His words transfer over time and...
I worry about the amount of tithing my family pays to the church. It’s a physical sacrifice and an investment into their faith. If they look back on their years of paying, do the math, and discover that they’ve given $40,000 to the church, they’re $40k invested into the enterpr...
This includes trying to thwart God’s plan, deceiving the angels, deceiving the world, and deceiving you. It will be revealed under intense pressure, even under the threat of death for some, who is on the Lord’s side and who is not. Satan was created full of wisdom and has an in-...
The Secrets of Hillsong (HOTW: Maria Francesca French) Our third episode in our conservative Christian documentary series explores the disturbing behavior of Hillsong, with a look at "The Secrets of Hillsong" on HULU. Plus, our Heretic of the Week is the wonderful Maria Francesca...
always preparation time – can you go get education, can you serve God in a certain way, can you use some of that time honouring your father and mother, can you serve another ministry, can you start tithing, giving, saving, can you train others, can you just say thank you to some ...
Secrets of Evangelism The Sermon on the Mount Video Series David Servant on Christian Families The Christian Family Family Devotions Divorce and Remarriage David Servant on Stewardship Stewardship and Money Jesus, Venture Capitalist Tithing to the Local Church? Seven Scriptural Secrets to Ultimate Financi...