How To Deal With Deceptive Preachers How are we to respond to these blasphemous, home-wrecking, pompous, arrogant subverters of Truth? The Scriptural answer is clear. Others May...You Cannot Why do other Christians see things differently than you do? Six Most Quoted Lies About Tithing Again...
I’m glad there are people out there sharing the truth about how Satan is worming his way into our churches and twisting men’s hearts and minds with his lies. God bless you and all who are fighting the good fight. To God be the glory.” Bonnie “These books are a Blessing to me...
Those who achieved the task would have to learn much that has not been taught in England during the past three centuries and, it may be, to unlearn a good deal that has been taught too often.'2 Related to this was the problem of anachronism. Here Maitland introduced one of his key ...