The_Scarlet_Letter《红字》作品分析 The Scarlet Letter Plot summary The novel takes place during the summer in 17th-century Boston, Massachusetts in a Puritan village. A young woman, named Hester Prynne, has been led from the town prison with her infant daughter in her arms and on the breast...
Explore The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Learn the novel's summary, review its character and plot, read the analysis, and identify its...
14 p. 红字The Scarlet Letter 32 p. 红字the scarlet letter 218 p. 文学批判解读-红字 The Scarlet Letter 24 p. The scarlet letter:红字 267 p. 红字-The Scarlet Letter 20 p. The_Scarlet_Letter《红字》作品分析 29 p. 红字英文介绍the-scarlet-letter 发表...
C The Scarlet letter D。 The House of the Seven Gables 5.In the 19thcenturyAmerica, Romanticism had certain general characteristics. Which statement is not the characteristic of Romanticism? A.Sobriety and simplicity B.Faith in the value ofindividualism C.Intuitive perception D.Adoration for the ...
《红字》主要情节theplotofscarletletter The plot of the scarlet letter(《红字》主要情节)The story begins in seventeenth century’s boston, massachussetts colony.H ESTER P RYNNE, the novel’s heroin, is led out of a prison carrying an baby, named P EARL, the daughter of an unknowns man ....
So little adapted is the atmosphere of a Custom-house to the delicate harvest of fancy and sensibility, that, had I remained there through ten Presidencies yet to come, I doubt whether the tale of "The Scarlet Letter" would ever have been brought before the public eye. My imagination was ...
Read the following passage from "The Scarlet Letter". "The grass - plot before the jail, in Prison Lane, on a certain summer morning, not less than two centuries ago, was occupied by a pretty large number of the inhabitants of Boston; all with their eyes intently fixed on the iron -...
1.1. The Main Idea of the Book The story begins intheseventeenth century Boston.A young woman, named Hester Prynne, isgiven the Puritan way of punishment for the sin of adultery. She wears a scarlet letter which stands for disgrace on her chest. Two years ago, she is sent alone across ...
1、The Scarlet LetterBy Nathaniel HawthorneContent 1、Introduction of Nathaniel Hawthorne 1.1 brief introduction of Nathaniel Hawthorne 1.2 major works 1.3 features of works2、The Scarlet Letter 2.1 characters 2.2 plot 2.3 themes Nathaniel Hawthorne i do not want to be a doctor and live by mans ...
Not coincidentally, the years Hawthorne chose to represent in The Scarlet Letter were the same as those of the English Civil War fought between King Charles I and the Puritan Parliament; the latter was naturally supported by the New England co 18、lonists.Plot summaryThe novel takes place ...