The_Scarlet_Letter《红字》作品分析 The Scarlet Letter Plot summary The novel takes place during the summer in 17th-century Boston, Massachusetts in a Puritan village. A young woman, named Hester Prynne, has been led from the town prison with her infant daughter in her arms and on the breast...
The novel opens with Hester being led to the scaffold where she is to be publicly shamed for having committed adultery. Hester is forced to wear the letter "A" on her gown at all times. She has stitched a large scarlet "A" onto her dress with gold thread, giving ...
Although introductions are usually short notes that help readers understand the background of the novel, the introduction of The Scarlet letter is rather long, explaining thoroughly how the book came to be written. The nameless narrator working in the custom office finds a bunch of documents, a ...
the_Scarlet_Letter_读书笔记批注本地保存成功开通会员云端永久保存去开通 The Scarlet Letter The author: Nathaniel Hathorne was born in1804inthe city ofSalem, Massachusettsto Nathaniel Hathorne and Elizabeth Clarke Manning Hathorne. His ancestors includeJohn Hathorne, a judge during theSalem Witch ...
Explore The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Learn the novel's summary, review its character and plot, read the analysis, and identify its...
Not coincidentally, the years Hawthorne chose to represent in The Scarlet Letter were the same as those of the English Civil War fought between King Charles I and the Puritan Parliament; the latter was naturally supported by the New England colonists. Plot summary The novel takes place during ...
Not coincidentally, the years Hawthorne chose to represent in The Scarlet Letter were the same as those of the English Civil War fought between King Charles I and the Puritan Parliament; the latter was naturally supported by the New England co 18、lonists.Plot summaryThe novel takes place ...
Perhaps more than any other novel, The Scarlet Letter effectively encapsulates the emergence of individualism and self-reliance from America’s Puritan and conformist roots. 《红字》是美国浪漫主义作家霍桑创作的长篇小说,讲述了发生在...
The-Scarlet- Letter《红字》作品 分析 精品文档 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除 TheScarletLetter HistoricalContext TheTranscendentalistMovement TheScarletLetter,whichtakesasitsprincipalsubjectcolonialseventeenth-centuryNewEngland,waswritten andpublishedinthemiddleofthenineteenthcentury.Hawthornebeganwritingthenovelin...