Dominic Savage is a skilful and experienced filmmaker, who recently made the semi-improvised feature,The Escape(2017). It focussed on unhappy mother portrayed by Gemma Arterton, and while an interesting character study, it ultimately felt a little flat dramatically. Using the same improvisatory and...
“Immediately before and during the years of World War II, Universal Studio’s horror films began to employ a more humanistic depiction of their monsters,”and the films of Val Lewton, likeCat People, reflected“a growing awareness of homosexuality, homosexual communities, and...
whether you joined me for The Whitechapel Chronicles – which was a 3 year labour of love, masochism and sobbing – or for my latest work, Hedoschism – which was meant to be my ‘easy-peasy’ standalone, that I was going to crack out...
[Clip: “Only weeks ago, in Orlando, Florida, 49 wonderful Americans were savagely murdered by an Islamic terrorist. This time, the terrorist targeted LGBTQ community. No good, and we’re gonna stop it. (Applause! USA! USA! USA!) As your president, I will do everything in my power ...
Drawing on the experiences of lefty playwright Clifford Odets during his sojourn in 1940s Tinseltown, Barton Fink adumbrates that old saw about commerce versus creativity with ready wit and a savage eye. (As Tony Shaloub’s harried mid-level producer phrases it over lunch at the commissary: ...
Top 20 mangaGraphic novels in Novembergenuinearticle onViz's ambitionsSavage Critics asks"Is Manga Dying"(in other works, what happened to ability for North American publishers to release another volume of Yotsuba, Beck Mongolian Chop or Jojo's Bizarre Adventure?) ComiPress onA Summary of France...
Ned Beatty gives a fearless performance as one of four Atlanta businessmen on a canoe trip in the Georgia wilderness that goes savagely haywire. For Beatty's character, the excursion's toughest episode finds him face down on the ground, in the woods, naked, and with a nasty redneck smacking...
Originally penciled in for December, More Life—which, according to Drake, isn’t a mixtape or album so much as a playlist—may include the 21 Savage collaboration “Sneakin’” as well as “Two Birds, One Stone” and “Fake Love.” And, perhaps, a Taylor Swift collaboration? [Sky ...
Big movie directors become generals in the arts; and they want subjects to match their new importance. Kubrick has announced that his next project is “Napoleon”—which, for a movie director, is the equivalent of Joan of Arc for an actress. Lester’s “savage” comments about affluence and...
But this is nothing new. Killing the "savage" in order to rescue him from the darkness (and then playing the inconvenienced victim), is a tactic which "great nations" have exhibited throughout history. From India, to China, to Africa, to Germany, to Vietnam and now to Iraq, national ...