K. J. Kesselring, The Northern Rebellion of 1569: Faith, Politics, and Protest in Elizabethan England (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007), 77.On the Revolt of the Northern Earls see Krista Kesselring, The Northern Rebellion of 1569: Faith, Politics and Protest in Elizabethan England (...
The northern earls were somewhat rattled by the administrative interference coming from London. They were not keen on William Cecil. Men like Northumberland and Norfolk also felt frozen out of power by Elizabeth’s choice of advisers. For reasons best known to themselves a group of powerful men ...
The northern earls were somewhat rattled by the administrative interference coming from London. They were not keen on William Cecil. Men like Northumberland and Norfolk also felt frozen out of power by Elizabeth’s choice of advisers. For reasons best known to themselves a group of powerful men ...
[113] In the belief that the revolt had been successful, Pope Pius V issued a bull in 1570, titled Regnans in Excelsis, which declared "Elizabeth, the pretended Queen of England and the servant of crime" to be excommunicated and a heretic, releasing all her subjects from any allegiance ...
in the twinkling of an eye, one part being slain, another taken prisoner and the third put to flight.’ Faced with the ferocity of the assault and the very real prospect of death, rather than being taken prisoner and held for ransom, the earls fled the field with the remnants of their...
the American Civil War and the end of slavery; the development of the North American West; late colonialism/imperialism and great power rivalries all over the world; the emergence of women; Latin American stability and instability; Bismarck and power politics; imperialism and revolts in China; Ja...
In brief, although northern earls had little choice but to revolt, their utter failure virtually doomed the possibility of rebellion for the rest of the reign. No wonder Essex could not raise London, and so many smaller revolts and riots were unsuccessful. People long remembered hundreds of ...
The Hoodsman - Revolt of the EarlsSkye Smith
Central England and the Revolt of the Earls, January 1400First page of articledoi:10.1111/j.1468-2281.1991.tb02272.xDavid CrookJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdHistorical Research
1569 The Northern Rebellion – involving the Duke of Norfolk, and the earls of Westmorland and Northumberland. 1570 Pope Pius V excommunicates Elizabeth I 1571 Treason Act makes it illegal to deny Elizabeth I is queen. 1572 The Ridolfi Plot ...