Central England and the Revolt of the Earls, January 1400First page of articledoi:10.1111/j.1468-2281.1991.tb02272.xDavid CrookJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdHistorical Research
The northern earls were somewhat rattled by the administrative interference coming from London. They were not keen on William Cecil. Men like Northumberland and Norfolk also felt frozen out of power by Elizabeth’s choice of advisers. For reasons best known to themselves a group of powerful men ...
Inevitably the family found them selves bound up with Robin of Redesdale’s revolt in 1469 but the family together with Francis Lovell were pardoned their part in Warwick’s rebellion. Alice’s husband died in 1472 and does not seem to have been present in his brother-in-law’s army at ...
T HE EPOCH WHOSE FINAL YEARS are the subject of this book did not die of old age or accident but exploded in a terminal crisis which is one of the great facts of history. No mention of that crisis appears in the following pages for the reason that, as it had not yet happened, it ...
Defenders of the Norman Crown: The Rise and Fall of the Warenne Earls of Surreytells the fascinating story of the Warenne dynasty, from its origins in Normandy, through the Conquest, Magna Carta, the wars and marriages that led to its ultimate demise in the reign of Edward III. Available ...
By A.D. 85, Rome controlled Britain south of the Clyde River. There were a number of revolts in the early years of the conquest, the most famous being that of Boadicea. In the 2d cent. A.D., Hadrian's Wall was constructed as a northern defense line. Under the Roman occupation ...
The opposite West also fiery Zeus blasted with the thunderbolt in love for his child; and under the foot of Zephyros (the West Wind) the western brine half-burn spat out a shining stream; the Northern ridges–even the surface of the frozen Northern Sea bubbled and burned: under the ...
Exactly what happened in Cambridge during the next few months is not fully known. But plots were plotted, and secrets kept. The violence of the Peasants’ Revolt was spreading its way across East Anglia. Old scores were being settled. The townspeople had had enough of the meddling ways of ...
Henry of Monmouth, the eldest son of Henry IV, became heir apparent and Prince of Wales after his father seized the throne in 1399. During the reign of his father, the young Prince Henry gained military experience fighting the Welsh during the revolt of Owain Glyndŵr, and against the powe...
William evidently hoped that he had removed all the English leaders who might have led revolts against the Norman government. (76) While he was away, several disturbances broke out. The first revolt took place in Wales was directed by Eric the Wild and the rebels failed in their attempts ...