1)The requested S data is not availbale. The Plnsol command is ignored. 2) The requested database is not availbale. The Etable command is ignored. 上诉两个错误是很多同学经常遇到的问题,主要原因在于当前的结果数据库中没有指定具体的需要读取的荷载步,解决方法为在具体使用命令流之前需要用set命令指...
ansys apdl瞬态分析 the requested s data is not available ansys瞬时分析,三种求解方法瞬态动力学分析可采用三种方法:完全(Full)法、缩减(Reduced)法及模态叠加法。ANSYS/Professional产品中只允许用模态叠加法。在研究如何实现这些方法之前,让我们先探讨一下各种
ANSYS_APDL在绘制 vonMises(等效)应力云图报错:The requested data S is not available.The PLES command is ignored.,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
Ansys17.0 ..如何解决 求大佬指点111 小白一枚。。。Mechanical failed to open the database: The Mechanical editor does not have a valid license. Please refer the following directory for more information: C:\Users\47501\AppData\Local\Temp\.ansys.
图3 如图1,win10 系统会把这两个文件判为病毒文件,在复制替换Shared Files文件时,系统会把这两个文件删掉,所以在解压完_SolidSQUAD_压缩包时要系统将这两个文件视为可安装到设备的安全文件,替换Shared Files文件后,如图2示,安装目录下D:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing\winx64...
求助jimecha..mechanical failed to open the database:the mechanical editor dose not have a valid license. please refer the following directory for more information 求助这个问题怎么解决 谢谢
database management system,DBMS- a software system that facilitates the creation and maintenance and use of an electronic database upgrade- software that provides better performance than an earlier version did 2.software package- merchandise consisting of a computer program that is offered for sale ...
This lecture unit showcases how the Design Database in Ansys Granta EduPack can support teaching of product design and development using materials.
Fixed bug in small restart whereby intfor database is overwritten. Fixed bug in status.out file if no sw2. or glstat (*DATABASE_GLSTAT) is requested. Fixed bug in Material Model Driver if number of load curveis is less than 9. Fixed bug whereby correct IRID of *INTEGRATION_BEAM was...
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