在ansys安装过程中,如果遇到 ANSYS LICENSE MANAGER ERROR Request name ansys does not exist in the licensing poolInvalid (inconsistent) license key.The license key and data for the feature do not match.This usually happens when a license file has been altered. Feature.ansys License path1055@localhos...
首先,确保你安装的ANSYS版本与你尝试使用的许可证类型相匹配。不同版本的ANSYS可能需要不同类型的许可证。 检查ANSYS的安装文档或官方网站,确认cfd_solve_level2这个请求名称是否在你所使用的ANSYS版本中有效。 检查许可证文件是否包含cfd_solve_level2: 许可证文件通常包含了允许你使用的所有ANSYS功能和模块的详细信息。
我是装了2023后打开出现了这个问题(workbench中出现:not exist in the licensing pool);Fluent也是显示许可证无效。 Request name disco leveli does not exist in the licensing pool.Invalid (inconsistent) license key.The license key and data for the feature do not match.This usually happens when a lice...
Failover feature 'Ansys electronics_desktop' is not available.Request name electronics_desktop does not exist in the licensing pool.Cannot connect to license server system.The license server manager (lmgrd) has not been started yet,the wrong port@host or license file is being used, or theport ...
ERROR Error occurs when trying to run a job in Fluent. ANSYS LICENSE MANAGER ERROR Request name cfd_solve_level2 does not exist in the licensing pool.
January 25, 2022 at 12:39 pm George Karnos Ansys Employee Excellent News! Happy it is working! I will go ahead and close this thread for now! Best GeoViewing 3 reply threads The topic ‘Request name cfd_solve_level2 does not exist in the licensing pool’ is closed to new ...
The topic ‘Ansys License Manager Error – Request name disco_level1 does not exist’ is closed to new replies. We use cookies to personalize content and ads, provide social media features and analyze site traffic, and we may share this data with our partners, as outlined by our Cookie...
ansys2023安..Request name disco level1 does not exist in the licensing pool.Invalid (inconsistent) license key.Th