requestId) print('etag:', resp.body.etag) print('versionId:', resp.body.versionId) print('storageClass:', resp.body.storageClass) else: print('Put File Failed') print('requestId:', resp.requestId) print('errorCode:', resp.errorCode) print('errorMessage:', resp.errorMessage) except:...
Request Parameters Table 2Request header parameters Parameter Mandatory Type Description X-Auth-Token Yes String User token. It can be obtained by calling the IAM API used to obtain a user token. The value of X-Subject-Token in the response header is the user token. ...
When usingPATCHagainst STU3, and if you are requesting a History bundle, the patched resource'sBundle.entry.request.methodis mapped toPUT. This is because STU3 doesn't contain a definition for thePATCHverb in theHTTPVerb value set.
conditional_set(data, etag["ETag"]) If the passed ETag does not match the ETag of the path in the database, the data will not be written, and both conditional request methods will return a single key-value pair with the new ETag to use of the following form: { "ETag": "8KnE63B6...
If you previously retrieved a record, you can pass the ETag value with the If-None-Match header to request data to be retrieved only if it changed since the last time it was retrieved. If the data changed, the request returns an HTTP status of 200 OK with the latest da...
ifmatch_value Parameters matching the request message. Perform the GET operation on the related resource and obtain the value from the ETag parameter in the header of the response message. M limit_value Server capping power. The value is an integer, and the unit is W. nu...
The value of the If-Match request header MUST be an ETag value previously retrieved for the entity.If specified, the request MUST only be invoked if the specified value matches the current ETag value of the entity. If the value does not match the current ETag value of the entity for a ...
The CORS rules are incorrectly configured. The browser cache is read but the cache does not contain response headers specified in your CORS rules. Solution Clear the browser cache. Then, initiate a cross-origin request to check whether t...
The value of the If-Match request header MUST be an ETag value previously retrieved for the entity.If specified, the request MUST only be invoked if the specified value matches the current ETag value of the entity. If the value does not match the current ETag value of the entity for a ...
sap:creatable = true Property is relevant while creating a new record OData Framework passes the value in the payload to the Business Object. sap:creatable = false Property is NOT relevant for creating a new record OData Framework raises an error if it receives a value for the property. sap...