If you previously retrieved a record, you can pass the ETag value with the If-None-Match header to request data to be retrieved only if it changed since the last time it was retrieved. If the data changed, the request returns an HTTP status of 200 OK with the latest da...
A task related to the opportunity is created because it's defined an object in an array that's set to the value of a collection-valued navigation property namedOpportunity_Tasks. Request: HTTPCopy POST [Organization URI]/api/data/v9.2/accounts Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8OD...
Notice that in the response, IIS sends a Last-Modified date that matches the client's If-Modified-Since date, and an ETag value that matches the client's If-None-Match header value. Because these all match, Internet Explorer correctly assumes that the response status shoul...
API methods accept a hash of additional request parameters and return structured response data. # list the first two objects in a bucketresp=s3.list_objects(bucket:'aws-sdk',max_keys:2)resp.contents.eachdo|object|puts"#{object.key}=>#{object.etag}"end Paging Responses Many AWS operations ...
If etag is specified in the list of directives, an MD5 hash of the response content will automatically be set as the ETag identifier:Route::middleware('cache.headers:public;max_age=2628000;etag')->group(function () { Route::get('privacy', function () { // ... }); Route::get('...
'X-Header-One'=>'Header Value', 'X-Header-Two'=>'Header Value', ]); Cache Control Middleware Laravel includes acache.headersmiddleware, which may be used to quickly set theCache-Controlheader for a group of routes. Ifetagis specified in the list of directives, an MD5 hash of the respo...
If the nearest web is the root of a site collection, the value of thewebFullUrlproperty is equal to thesiteFullUrlproperty. formDigestValueGets the server's request form digest. LibraryVersionGets the current version of the REST library. ...
This is used by $.ajax to determine if the requested data is new since the last request. (see HTTP_ETag) onAfterSuccess: [Function] A callback that will be called after the success method has been called, this is useful to check a condition after the call has been completed onAfter...
Clear the browser cache. Then, initiate a cross-origin request to check whether the error persists. If the error persists, perform the following steps to check whether the CORS rules are correctly configured: Log on to the OSS console. ...
Retrieve the raw value of a property To retrieve the raw value of a primitive property, rather than JSON, append/$valueto the URL; for example: Request: GET [Organization URI]/api/data/v9.2/accounts(00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001)/name/$value HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json...