Returns whether the queue is empty. 参数 此函数没有参数。 返回值 ReturnsTRUEif the queue is empty,FALSEotherwise. 范例 Example #1Ds\Queue::isEmpty()example <?php $a= new \Ds\Queue([1,2,3]); $b= new \Ds\Queue(); var_dump($a->isEmpty()); ...
Ds\PriorityQueue::isEmpty—Returns whether the queue is empty 说明 publicDs\PriorityQueue::isEmpty(void) :bool Returns whether the queue is empty. 参数 此函数没有参数。 返回值 ReturnsTRUEif the queue is empty,FALSEotherwise. 范例 Example #1Ds\PriorityQueue::isEmpty()example ...
我的代码打印"The queue is empy“EN我忘记在display()方法的开头添加一个临时节点,但后来我添加了它...
I am attempting to write some dev tools for redux-saga that use the SagaMonitor interface. I have helpers for tracking what effects are currently pending/resolved/rejected etc. One thing I am struggling with is how to know when all queue...
This option can be useful when working Laravel queues within a Docker container if you wish to shutdown the container after the queue is empty:1php artisan queue:work --stop-when-emptyResource ConsiderationsDaemon queue workers do not "reboot" the framework before processing each job. Therefore,...
The --stop-when-empty option may be used to instruct the worker to process all jobs and then exit gracefully. This option can be useful when working Laravel queues within a Docker container if you wish to shutdown the container after the queue is empty:1php artisan queue:work --stop-...
Until the queues are empty, repeat the following: Pop the top element of the positive queue. If it is less than the total error, then subtract it from the total error. Otherwise, pop the top element of the negative queue, add it to the positive element, and push the result to the co...
How do I determine if a Window is a Dialog or not? How do I determine if the Dispatcher queue is empty? How do I draw a line using XAML? How do I dynamically add buttons to grid? How do I effect the style of the TabItem header, only? How do I emulate touch events without usin...
Pop off the item at the back of this queue. Note: The item will be removed from the queue. If you simply want to see what's at the back of the queue usepeekBack()or.peekAt(-1). If the queue is empty,undefinedis returned. If you need to differentiate betweenundefinedvalues in the...
There is a special runtime thread dedicated to calling Finalize methods. When the freachable queue is empty (which is usually the case), this thread sleeps. But when entries appear, this thread wakes, removes each entry from the queue, and calls each object's Finalize method. Because of th...