上次是因为升级组件的时候失败了,所以做了一次还原,结果还原以后再去升级组件的时候报错:queue is not empty,于是尝试了去extraction里面reset status,不管用! 也是用了queue delete的function去删除,还是不管用! 最后直接到系统里面把/usr/sap/trans/buffer里面的所有文件一律删除了,再用SPAM去升级的时候就没问题了。
一开始,由于队列是空的,所以输出 “Queue is empty.”,然后在入队一个元素后,输出 “Queue is not empty.”。 关键点解释: Count属性用于获取队列中的元素数量。 判断队列是否为空可以通过检查Count是否等于0来实现。 队列为空时,通常表示没有待处理的元素。 2.3 清空队列 在C#中,可以使用Clear方法来清空队列中...
The messages may not be visible to you due to the following reason: "When a message is retrieved from the queue, the response includes the message and a pop receipt value, which is required to delete the message. The message is not automatically deleted from the queue, but after it has...
The messages may not be visible to you due to the following reason: "When a message is retrieved from the queue, the response includes the message and a pop receipt value, which is required to delete the message. The message is not automatically deleted from the queue, but after it h...
// Successful CAS is the linearization point // for item to be removed from this queue. if (p != h) // hop two nodes at a time updateHead(h, ((q = p.next) != null) ? q : p); return item; } else if ((q = p.next) == null) { ...
If the queue is not empty, then there will be a DocumentContext available for reading: // this will be true if there is at least one message in the queue boolean messageAvailable = tailer.toEnd().direction(TailerDirection.BACKWARD). readingDocument().isPresent(); Restartable tailers AKA ...
Copy link vincentyang-pluscommentedSep 2, 2022 Our clickhouse is encountering error: 2022.09.02 20:46:03.548731 [ 549 ] {7f8a252c-6df9-430e-a46d-21d4e7705bf6} <Warning> ClusterProxy::SelectStreamFactory: Local replica of shard 1 is stale (delay: 1662151563s.) 2022.09.02 20:46:35.87619...
notFull=lock.newCondition(); } 说明:fair是“可重入的独占锁(ReentrantLock)”的类型。fair为true,表示是公平锁;fair为false,表示是非公平锁。notEmpty和notFull是锁的两个Condition条件。 Lock的作用是提供独占锁机制,来保护竞争的资源;而Condition是为了更精细的对锁进行控制,但是依赖于lock,通过某个条件对多线...
ACCOUNT_IS_DISABLED public static final QueueErrorCode ACCOUNT_IS_DISABLED Static value AccountIsDisabled for QueueErrorCode.AUTHENTICATION_FAILED public static final QueueErrorCode AUTHENTICATION_FAILED Static value AuthenticationFailed for QueueErrorCode....
This is a very simple message queue that i am trying to understand I am able to post the message to the queue but when i am trying to receive the message back i am not receiving.Please guide what is the error. am a noob to C http://pastebin.com/UqLWKgub...