We demonstrate here that the pseudorabies virus (PRV) Us2 protein is synthesized early after infection and localizes to cytoplasmic vesicles and to the plasma membrane, despite the lack of a recognizable signal sequence or membrane-spanning domain. Us2 protein is also packaged as part of the ...
The virion host shutoff protein (vhs), encoded by the gene UL41, has RNase activity and is the key regulator of the early host shutoff response induced by type 1 herpes simplex virus. Despite low amino acid similarity, the vhs protein of the swine herpesvirus, pseudorabies virus (PrV), ...
Pseudorabies (PR) caused by the re-emerging of pseudorabies virus (PRV) variant has outbroken among PRV vaccine immunized swine in many pig farms, which has caused serious social and economic consequences since the end of 2011. The PRV UL49.5 protein can inactivate the transporter associated with...
Pseudorabies virus (PRV), an alpha-herpesvirus of swine, is a widely used model organism in investigations of the molecular pathomechanisms of the herpesviruses. This work is the continuation of our earlier studies, in which we investigated the effect of the abrogation of gene function on the vi...
假性狂犬病毒 ( pseudorabies virus; PRV ) 之立即早期基因 ( immediate-early gene; IE gene ) 在病毒感染細胞後,並不需有其他病 毒蛋白的產生即可立即開始進行轉錄 ( transcription ),在整個病毒複 製週期中扮演一啟始的功能,即可激活 ( transactivate ) 其他病毒基 因或感染宿主細胞的基因表現.本實驗即是利用...
结果进一步表明,在潜伏感染的猪只中,PRV可以在高滴度的中和抗体存在下重新激活。带有中和抗体的免疫猪可以再次感染并成为强毒病毒的潜伏携带者,这一事实提出了继续使用疫苗控制PRV的价值问题。据报道,疫苗可以降低PRV感染的严重程度和死亡率。 It appears that vaccination reduces virus dissemination by limiting the tim...
Rabies Virus (RVPseudorabies Virus (PRVUL21 geneSRV9 glycoproteinoral vaccinehomologous recombinationThe rabies virus glycoprotein is an efficient vaccine antigen particularly for the oral vaccine of wildlife. Pseudorabies virus contains many non-essential genes and was usually used to construct recombinant...
In this study, the antiviral activities of 25 flavonoids against pseudorabies virus (PRV) were tested in PK-15 cells. Eight active flavonoids were identified, with IC50 values ranging from 23.24 to 323.09 M. Subsequently, the regulatory effects of these flavonoids on the cGAS/STING pathway in ...
In Vero cells, three different extracts of FLJ, including volatile oil (P1), chlorogenic acids extract (P2), and flavones extract (P3), were tested for antiviral activity against the pseudorabies virus (PRV) and NDV. At doses of 232.7, 116.35, 58.18, and 29.09 μg/mL, the P1 ...
Context: Pseudorabies herpesvirus (PrV) belongs to the Alphaherpesvirinae. Piglets infected with PrV die within a few days. Development of effective antiviral agents is one alternative or complementary method to prevent PrV infection. Houttuynia cordata Thunb. (Saururaceae), H. cordata, a ...