I get errorThe provided URI scheme 'https' is invalid; expected 'http'. Parameter name: via If I create proxy using binding configuration name as below ConnectorFrameworkProxy cfProxy = new ConnectorFrameworkProxy("Main"); I get error asThe username is not provided. Specify username in Client...
I am getting error : The provided URI scheme 'http' is invalid; expected 'https'.\r\nParameter name: viaIt does not cause an issue if list is on webapplication level(https://), it causes an issue's f...
I am using the Javascript SDK to create a new user and keep getting the error {"message":"The provided access token is invalid or has expired","code":301}. I can see my App ID coming through in the service correctly, and when I see the URL that is called using chrome inspector, i...
Trying to authenticate on iOS using Xcode 12.5 and iOS 14.5 results in the Exception: The provided scheme is not valid. A scheme should not include special characters such as ":" or "/". The same error is described here: auth0-samples/auth0-react-native-sample#45 and there is already ...
the login-url parameter, the IP address is the switch's local IP address (permitted in the authentication-free rule profile to ensure Layer 3 reachability between terminals and the switch), and the port number is that specified using the portal web-authen-server https command (8443 by default...
Invalid If the notification is from Alipay, and inquires in the valid time frame, (1 min) True If the notification is not from Alipay, or passes 1 min time frame, False Samples Request sample https://intlmapi.alipay.com/gateway.do?service=notify_verify&partner=2088101122136241¬ify_id=4465...
In Json Lines format each Http Request/Response pair is stored as json object in a single line. {"timestamp":"2024-02-20T01:56:49+05:30","url":"https://scanme.sh:443","request":{"header":{"Connection":"close","User-Agent":"curl/8.1.2","host":"scanme.sh:443","method":"CO...
The designer fails to remotely connect to the HTTPS project, displaying the error "invalid keystore format." Cause The certificate of the configured HTTPS project is in the PKCS12 format. However, only the default JKS format is supported on the designer client currently. Solution Create a folder...
If no path is provided to the url helper, an Illuminate\Routing\UrlGenerator instance is returned, allowing you to access information about the current URL:// Get the current URL without the query string... echo url()->current(); // Get the current URL including the query string... ...
You may use the prefers method to determine which content type out of a given array of content types is most preferred by the request. If none of the provided content types are accepted by the request, null will be returned:$preferred = $request->prefers(['text/html', 'application/json'...