When trying to attach a WebSocket, a {ValueError} scheme http+docker is invalid raised. Using docker-py==2.1, websocket-client==0.40.0, docker 1.12.5. Executing the following before/after container run command brings out the same result...
我们都知道在vue和react这种单页面组件化项目中,建立socket连接会遇到:重复连接,切换页面连接中断 ,状态...
{'explicit_port': None, 'raw_host': 'example.com'} fragment = '' host = 'example.com' netloc = 'user%name:pass%word@example.com' password = 'pass%word' path = '/' port = None query = '' scheme = 'http' url_str = 'http://user%name:pass%word@example.com/' username = '...
Python SDK ValueError: Invalid IPv6 URL arvindlavania New Member 12-05-2019 03:12 AM Hello, I am trying to connecting my Splunk server via Python SDK Code: import splunklib.client as client service = client.connect(host='https://website.com', port=443, scheme='https', username='...
4. 修改代码 kotlin importrequests,jsonfrom hyper.contribimportHTTP20Adapterurl ='https://www.qcc.com/api/bigsearch/judgementList'headers = {':authority':'www.a.a',':method':'POST',':path':'/api/bigsearch/judgementList',':scheme':'https','accept':'aa/pa*','accept-encoding':'ae, ...
I really like the solarized and use it as the color scheme of my iTerm and Vim. But recentlly, I start using Node.js. The problem has been bothering me for weeks. The color of the result of mocha and ... Make TranslateBehavior and translatable strings work at the same time ...
问题原因及解决方法: 出错原因是使用了代理上网软件导致,关闭代理即可以解决。 或者 Linux环境下,可以通过将代理设置环境变量export https_proxy=中的https替换为http来解决此问题。注意,它是https的代理设置,但使用的是http地址。推荐...
scrapy爬取图片时,出现 ValueError:Missing scheme in request url:h错误(已解决) Paste_Image.png 原因:因为在settings.py存储图片,其ITEM_PIPELINES = {'scrapy.pipelines.images.ImagesPipeline': 301}用到的是图片的url列表,而在Spider类中返回的是一个url字符串,所以ITEM_PIPELINES参数在执行循环获取url列表时,...
scrapy框架使用splash出现raise ValueError('Missing scheme in request url: %s' % self._url),程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
import requests,json from hyper.contrib import HTTP20Adapter url = 'https://www.test.com/api/bigsearch/judgementList' headers = { ':authority': 'www.a.a', ':method': 'POST', ':path': '/api/bigsearch/judgementList', ':scheme': 'https', ...