The project is not configured to be debugged. </debugger_error_ message> This error is decribed in;EN-US;306156, which states that this error can occur because: - The ASP.NET Application does not have a Web.Config file. ...
打开xcode,发现profile选项是灰色的,一开始怀疑是升级xcode的原因,按照提示查一下,发现是这里的问题,Edit scheme->Profile,选择自己的项目就可以用了。 Paste_Image.png
找到你工程下的.project文件,打开,在<natures>节点下面加上 <nature>com.genuitec.eclipse.cross.easystruts.eclipse.easystrutsnature</nature> 保存——关闭 到myeclipse,如果还是不行,选择该XML文件右键,open with——XML Editor
产生的原因: xcode工程文件“*.xcodeproj”中的文件内容格式不正确,通常是由于svn或者git更新时文件内容冲突引起的; 解决方法: 1.点击xxx(项目名称).xcodeproj,在弹出的菜单中,选择【显示包内容】; Snip20190814_2.png 2.双击打开xxx(项目名称).pbxproj 文件; Snip20190814_3.png 3.找到以上类似的冲突信息(可以...
after a lot of research I stumbled across the cometbox project and found it to be the easiest approach. I did some tinkering to make it run as a Windows service so it would be easier to use, then gave it the ability to hold a long-lived connection and push content to the browser. ...
The LLVM project has multiple components. The core of the project is itself called "LLVM". This contains all of the tools, libraries, and header files needed to process intermediate representations and convert them into object files. Tools include an assembler, disassembler, bitcode analyzer, and...
BranchDebug x86Debug x64Release x86Release x64 main This project is part of the.NET Foundationalong with other projects likethe .NET Runtime. Releases58 .NET 6.0.1Latest Dec 14, 2021 + 57 releases Used by7.1k + 7,108 Contributors645...
Matter (formerly Project CHIP) creates more connections between more objects, simplifying development for manufacturers and increasing compatibility for consumers, guided by the Connectivity Standards Alliance. What is Matter? Matter is a unified, open-source application-layer connectivity standard built to...
FluentCassandra is available as a NuGet package, so the easiest way to get started is to fire up the NuGet Package Manager in a Visual Studio Test project (so I can write exploration tests) and do an “Install-Package FluentCassandra.” (The most recent version a...
The project is not compatible with the current version of premiere elements A new project is then started with none of the media or anything in the timeline. I have backups of the prels but I'm hoping I haven't lost the time...