运行Qt时,就会出现the following error occoured,是设置错误造成的,解决方法如下:1、首先在Ubuntu的桌面,点击右键,选择打开终端。2、在终端中,输入:sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev,然后点击回车。3、这里需要输入一个root密码,输入自己的密码按回车。4、这个时候,会开始安装QT4的库,出现如图...
解决qt_creator: this file is not part of any project问题 利用qt_creator导入已经生成好的ros workspace后,在此src下面添加文件会出现warning:this file is not part of any project 同时,代码在编写的时候会有报错,虽然编译可以正常通过并且代码能够正常运行,但是无法使用qt的代码补全功能。... 查看原文 window...
The drag preview widget can be configured by a number of global dock manager flags: DragPreviewIsDynamic: if this flag is enabled, the preview will be adjusted dynamically to the drop area DragPreviewShowsContentPixmap: the created drag preview window shows a static copy of the content of the...
Go toReleasesat the right side panel. Also expect them on Homebrew (work in progress). I welcome this very much; there have been some tech-savvy users who built their own QDirStat for macOS since the project started in late 2015, but they were always very few, and it's not something...
setColor(Qt::red); this->setBrush(brush); } } void Hex::setIsPlaced(bool b) { this->isPlaced = b; } void Hex::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { // if this hex is NOT placed ( so it is a card ) then pick it up if ( !this->getIsPlaced() ) { game->...
报错Cannot specify link libraries for target " XXX XXX " which is not built by this project 是因为在使用target_link_libraries的时候,没有放到add_executable后面. 然而qt项目中的cmakelist.txt已经自动帮你写过add_executable了,所以如果自己加上add_executable又会报错有同名文件被添加。
) # CMAKE_AUTOMOC in ON so the MOC headers will be automatically wrapped. add_executable(BarChartQt MACOSX_BUNDLE ${CXX_FILES} ${UISrcs} ${QT_WRAP} ) if (Qt${VTK_QT_VERSION}Widgets_VERSION VERSION_LESS "5.11.0") qt5_use_modules(BarChartQt ${qt_components}) else() target_link_...
autotools, with theax_have_qtmacro fromautoconf-archive mesonwith itsQt5 module In this blog post, we’ll simply stick toqmake, which is good enough for a number of Qt-based applications.qmaketakes as input one or several.profiles describing the project, and uses that t...
Qt will use the'generic'architecture instead,whichuses a single pthread_mutex_t to protect all atomic operations. This implementation is the slow (but safe) fallback implementationforarchitectures Qt does not yet support. Qt is now configuredforbuilding. Just run'make'. ...
the ordinary General Public License is the better strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below. When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distr...