where natural selection drives the process of divergence toward different niches [69], which is the speciation mechanism Darwin envisioned. Adaptive diversification is anticipated
A taxonomic classification that accurately captures evolutionary history is essential for conservation. Genomics provides powerful tools for delimiting species and understanding their evolutionary relationships. This allows for a more accurate and detail
The cranial vault in humans is highly variable, clinically relevant, and heritable, yet its genetic architecture remains poorly understood. Here, we conduct a joint multi-ancestry and admixed multivariate genome-wide association study on 3D cranial vault shape extracted from magnetic resonance images ...
The principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) showed separations among the four groups based on bacterial (Fig. 3B), archaeal (Fig. 3C), and viruses species (Fig. S2). Since sequences from viruses make up only a small portion of the rumen metagenome sequences, the statistical analysis was mainly...
Beak size and shape, as well as body size, are the principal phenotypic traits that have diversified in Darwin’s finches [5]. The most studied group within the Darwin’s finches is the monophyletic genusGeospiza, which includes three distinct bill shapes: the basal sharp-billed finchG. diffi...
Principal component analysis conducted for the socioecological and economic variables associated with the management of commercialized NTFPs. The five species within the blue circle are the ones with the highest cultural value, the highest number of kilograms traded annually, and the highest annual net...
nucleotides and morphological characters, because it might be particularly informative to understand the process of lineage splitting and divergence. For instance, in those cases where the speciation process is driven by sexual and/or by natural selection, characters known to be under the influence of...
To evaluate the main drivers of theVeredasdistribution, we extracted the mean values of climatic, edaphic, and topographic variables for each area described previously using the R-packageFactoMineRversion 1.39 (Husson et al.2017) and submitted them to principal component analysis (PCA). This procedur...
Theobroma cacao is one of the main crops of economic importance in the world as the source of raw material for producing chocolate and derivatives. The crop is the main source of income for thousands of small farmers, who produce more than 80% of the world’s cocoa supply. However, the ...
Temporal correlations among five principal Campanian fossil-bearing formations of the Western Interior Basin, based on the age models of this study. Stratigraphic columns are drawn to the same scale. Black is coal bed. Red dots mark ash beds with U–Pb ages connected by color-coded temporal co...