What sciences contribute to the principles of Evolutionary Synthesis? What does a general rubric evaluate? What taxonomic family is studied by paleoanthropology? What are two biases during naturalistic observation? What is a positivist research paradigm?
Taxonomy and nomenclature in palaeopalynology: basic principles, current challenges and future perspectivesShenzhen Codesynonymytypestypificationcurationdiagnosisbest practiceEffective communication of taxonomic concepts is crucial to meaningful application in all biological sciences, and thus the development and ...
D. 1968. Reproduction and ontogeny in tree shrews (Tupaia belangeri) with special reference to their general behavior and taxonomic relationships. Zeit. f. Tierpsy. 25:409–495, 505–532. CAS Google Scholar Martin, G. F., and R. Dom. 1970. The rubro-spinal tract of the opossum (...
The principles of ecology are extended to paleontological records to decipher the paleoecology of fossil assemblages. Ecology and paleoecology are also the basis for paleoenvironmental interpretation. The fundamental approach to paleoecology is uniformit
crispatus was the most common taxonomic unit (43.2%), followed by L. iners (27.7%) and G. vaginalis (9.8%).118 Respiratory microbiome Encompassing the nasal cavity, sinuses, pharynx and supraglottic portion of the larynx, the upper respiratory tract has different microbial compositions in ...