LITM学习能力评估是国际领先的认知能力评估工具,对人类的学习、判断、想象、处理复杂信息等能力提供有价值的量化信息。LI™帮您判断他/她在工作中吸收新知识的能力。 为什么使用LI™? 多年来,认知能力被公认为是个体工作表现、才能和学习速度的重要组成部分。它是衡量员工在职表现和获取工作相关知识能力的一个直接...
Predictive Success offers Talent Optimization software, workshops, and expert consulting utilizing The Predictive Index tools that can help you reach your team’s potential & achieve your business objectives faster than you ever thought possible.
The Predictive Index offers talent optimization software, workshops, and expert consulting. Design and execute a winning talent strategy with PI.
The Predictive Index offers talent optimization software, workshops, and expert consulting. Design and execute a winning talent strategy with PI.
Make data-driven people decisions for better results. The Predictive Index Talent Optimization Platform is powered by some serious science. Our assessments give you the people datayou need to build great teams, align them to your strategy, and achieve your goals. Try the Assessment Request a Demo...
In June 2018, The Predictive Index conducted a survey, asking respondents to answer questions about their managers. With 5,103 respondents, it’s the biggest survey of this nature known to us. And the thousands of responses across manyindustriesallow for analyses that home in on various groups...
The Predictive Index®(PI)作为测评工具界的老前辈已经有60多年的发展历史,40%的世界五百强企业都在用PI辅助企业进行人才管理。PI以其准确度高、应用范围广、测验时间短、使用便捷、跨文化运用而被企业广泛使用。PI作为人才优化的工具,帮助企业将人才战略与商业战略连在一起,以最终实现企业战略目标。 1. 为什么PI...
The Predictive Index®(PI)作为测评工具界的老前辈已经有60多年的发展历史,40%的世界五百强企业都在用PI辅助企业进行人才管理。PI以其准确度高、应用范围广、测验时间短、使用便捷、跨文化运用而被企业广泛使用。PI作为人才优化的工具,帮助企业将人才战略与商业战略连在一起,以最终实现企业战略目标。 “Create bett...
Stay informed with smart hiring practices and our behavioral and cognitive employee assessments on the Predictive Index blog.
The Predictive Index®利用一个简单的方法论让您能够理解您的员工的真实行为,以便他们能够帮助您达成目标。 友情链接 美国PI总部 电话:400-660-7633 邮箱 上海:上海市静安区南京西路819 号中创大厦3层103 室,邮政编码:200041 北京:海淀区丰慧中路7号新材料创业大厦A座902室 快速导航 首页 什么是...