后来在偶然中看到网友说JTS出过一本《力量训练原理》的后续,但是没有译本,于是我便在网上找来阅读,顺带也对其做了简单地翻译整理(这里万分感谢Chat-GPT的帮助)。 经过五一期间的不懈努力,终于将这本书《The Powerlifting Program Design Manual》完整的翻译整理了出来,我将这本书译作《力量举计划设计指南》,同时也...
肌肥大训练是力量举运动员成功的基础,肌肉量决定了运动员是否具有举起更多重量和坚持更久艰苦训练的潜力。如果处于这个阶段,你的关注点应该放在长期内增加组数、每组次数、重量或者这3个因素中的一些组合上。 增肌期目标:长肌肉、提高训练容量、避免重训时的神经适应性、避免竞技技术动作的神经适应性 增肌期负载参数:1RM...
when you’re just a beginner searching to journey moment a sense for typically the sports activity, there’s no require to end upwards being in a position to worry. Advancement within the program will count on your capabilities in addition ...
The thick cotton strength design makes these straps the most durable strongman and powerlifting Figure 8 Straps on the market. Pros Great reinforcement for heavy lifting Comfortable and versatile for any grip of choice From a reputable and great company in Gymreapers Cons More of a premium priced...
During the early 1960s, as I began a long career in competitive weightliftting, powerlifting, and All-Round lifting, Bob Hoffman started preaching isometric exercise as extreme strength training. It made sense then, and it continues to be powerful advice in this age.Through the extensive pages...
Front desker and long time CFSBK TFBA Amy M deadlifting 300lbs at the 2018 Iron Maidens powerlifting meet Bar Facing Burpee efficiency tips Leave a Comment|Filed Under:Workout of the Day Wednesday 1.22.25 Posted onTuesday, January 21, 2025 ...
Design and subjects In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, an invitation was made through the FES Zaragoza UNAM website (https://www.zaragoza.unam.mx/) to older adults who wanted to participate in a physical exercise tele-training program for healthy aging. The inclusion criteria were the...
Resistance Bands - For Pull Up Assistance, Powerlifting, Warm Up & Stretching, Made for Men & Women Shop Living Fit Living.Fit Bands offer next level resistance training to improve your overall strength and mobility goals, and they can really get your blood flowing. These bands range from 10...
Figure 8 design allows for premium security across a wide variety of barbells and dumbbells Utilizing the figure 8 strap takes some previous experience with lifting straps, so beginners might want to opt for more traditional styles If your training involves more strongman or powerlifting-specific exe...
“type-cast” myself into a trainer who only specializes in the glutes. Truthfully, I’m very interested in all the body’s muscles, joints, and systems. I love sport-specific training, max-sprint speed development, bodybuilding, powerlifting, Olympic weightlifting, strongman, MMA, and physical...