3. The Power of the Tongue: James highlights the power and responsibility of speech, stating, "The tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark" (James 3:5). The cost of silence can be as significant...
This act of silent companionship illustrates the power of presence without words in times of deep sorrow.Silence as a Means of Spiritual ReflectionSilence is essential for spiritual reflection and communion with God. Psalm 46:10 encourages believers to "Be still, and know that I am God." In ...
Reflects on the neglect of the oral/aural power of the Bible both in the church and in biblical scholarship. Student resistance to reading the Bible in different ways; Reflections on the power of words and the power of the reader; Examples of different interpretations of three Biblical passages...
"So we have contracted our field of search to a large book, printed in double columns and in common use." "The Bible!" I cried triumphantly. "Good, Watson, good! But not, if I may say so, quite good enough! Even if I accepted the compliment for myself, I could hardly name any...
3 School for Change This is what really matters most of all to everyone: the power to be made new. 鈥擳he Reed of God, Caryll Houselander In mid-September 1981, several weeks after we met, Frank came to Greenwich Village on a late Saturd... J Sanders - Theology in the Flesh: How...
What a singular and salutary effect, for instance, would be produced on the minds of people who are in the habit of taking the Form of the words they live by, for the Power of which those words tell them, if we always either retained, or refused, the Greek form "biblos," or "...
In the Bible, silence is tied to wisdom, patience, understanding and submission; as a tart maxim from Proverbs observes, “Even a fool, when he keeps silent, is considered wise.” It certainly appeals to thought: Herman Melville, Pablo Neruda and Susan Sontag are just a few of the many ...
By the power vested in me by the State of Maine, I hereby order you to serve two life sentences, back to back, one for each of your victims. So be it. “你的无情和冷血令我震惊,杜弗兰先生,只是看着你就使我不寒而僳。依据缅因州赋予我的权力,特此判处你两项终生监禁,依次为你的受害者...
(The Methods of the Devil and the Power of Prayer) 2015 - 03 - 15 PM 重生 – 基督徒相愛的環節 (Regeneration - The Link to Christian Love) 2015 - 03 - 15 AM 火蛇與救主 (The Serpents and the Saviour) 2015 - 03 - 08 AM 禱告就是徵戰 (探討復興的 第17講 / SERMON #17 ON ...
they will never be quite solid or real or enduring in the way that the Love, Justice and Mercy of God are, now and forever. We shall not remain silent about the damage, or complacent about the consequences of those evils. But we must not give them the power and glory which are God’...