But Baptists would not have adopted the hallowed practice of local church autonomy had it not been for the fact, that they respected (in this one instance, at least) the silence of the Scriptures. The New Testament has no stated prohibition of centralized government for the churches. It ...
Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your Word and that it is living and active in my life. It is sharper than any two-edged sword. Thank You for piercing and causing me to look deep within my heart by looking deep within the scriptures. I ask You to empower through the power of the H...
Education in Ancient Israel: Across the Deadening Silence / Scribes and Schools: The Canonization of the Hebrew ScripturesEducation in Ancient Israel: Across the Deadening Silence, by James L. Crenshaw. Anchor Bible...Balentine, Samuel E
At school, we, the staff, are in a mindset of accomplishments and, of course, Torah [the body of knowledge and law of the Jewish scriptures]. There are the sacred subjects [biblical studies] that take up half of the curriculum. There is no room for emotional discourse and certainly not...
In the Christian Middle Ages, the lectio divina was understood as a prayerful reading of the Sacred Scriptures (see Chrétien 2000, p. 167). The primacy of speech is also due to the fact that we manifest ourselves in and through the voice. In Thomas Aquinas’ view, we serve God not...