Jones E and S.A Spencer. 'The physiology o f lactation'. Paediatrics and Child Health. 2007;17 (6):244-248.COWIE,A.T., and J.S. TINDAL, The Physiology of Lactation 188-189. Edward Arnold. London. 1971.Spencer SA. The physiology of lactation. Pediatr Child Health 2007;17:244-8....
Breast Feeding and the Mother—the Physiology of LactationMammals have two characteristics — the presence of vertebrae and the nourishing of the young with milk from special milk-producing organs (mammae) of the mother. There are about 3500 known species of mammals. Naturally there is a wide ...
Studies on the Physiology of Lactation. VI. The Endocrine Influences Concerned in the Develop- ment and Function of the Mammary Gland in the Guinea Pig. Am. J. Anat., 6o:341-359. 1937.Nelson WO, 1934. Studies on the physiology of lactation. ill. The reciprocal hypophyseal-ovarian ...
and hence better understanding of nipple physiology will allow identification of changes associated with suboptimal breastfeeding and pumping, and would facilitate targeted management strategies to improve lactation outcomes for the mother and infant. Nipple pain or anomalies have been implicated as major...
1.(Physiology) the secretion of milk from the mammary glands after parturition 2.(Physiology) the period during which milk is secreted lacˈtationaladj lacˈtationallyadv Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000...
lactation- the period following birth during which milk is secreted; "lactation normally continues until weaning" time of life- a period of time during which a person is normally in a particular life state calendar day,civil day- a day reckoned from midnight to midnight ...
some parents may choose to stop expressing before day 21 but increasing their milk yield prior to this would still be an important outcome to reduce infant morbidity. Finally, the physiology of lactation studied in term infants [46] suggests that once a milk supply is established, it is robust...
The Physiological Society of Philadelphia: SESSION OF DECEMBER 20, 1955 THE PHYSIOLOGY OF LACTATION. Monographs of the Physiological Society No. 22, by A. T. Cowie and J. S. Tindal. London. Edward Arnold, 1971. Pp. vi+392. 6.50No abstract is available for this article... S Freguia 被...
physiologypituitaryTHE anterior-pituitary galactopoietic hormones have been found to be essential for the maintenance of lactation in all species so far studied 1 and it is generally believed that the continued secretion of the galactopoietie complex is entirely dependent on nervous stimuli arising ...
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