生殖系统的构造和机能;生殖机能的调节;有性生殖的过程;着床;妊娠和授乳Structure and function of the reproductive system, regulation of reproductive function, process of sexual reproduction, implantation, pregnancy and lactation 人体胚胎发育及其规律;人体各器官的发育;影响生长发育的因素;衰老Human embryo developme...
Prolactin – maintains lactation Posterior pituitary Vasopressin Maintains blood pressure Oxytocin Contraction of the uterus at parturition Milk letdown Adrenal glands 2 glands, 1 near each kidney 2 parts, inner (medulla) and outer (cortex) Adrenal Cortex ...
ManipulationoftheEndocrineSystem •Hormonescanbeusedtoregulatebody functions » growth(anabolicsteroids) » lactation(GHorSTH) » birthcontrol(Estradiol,Progesterone) » estrouscycle(PGF 2 α) » superovulationandembryotransplant(FSH,eCG)
First, it is shown that around 7% of the genes are expressed during lactation of cows that exhibit circadian patterns including core clock gene BMAL1 and metabolic genes (e.g., SREBP2) [53]. The photoperiod of 16 h-light and 8 h-darkness is shown to enhance milk yield in a cost- ...
The mathematical formulation describing lactation is based on the one described for PCBs in rats [21], which was adopted for humans [22]. The three main exposure routes are explicitly distinguished in the model set up. Inhalation takes into account absorption of gases and deposition of particles...