The operation is not supported by the objectthen this post will help you solve the problem. The problem occurs when the rest of the partition is under the control of the System partition but is located on another drive unlike the usual where all related drives, Recovery partition,...
Cloning of VM "VMName" has failed: Fault type is VC_FAULT_FATAL - The operation is not supported on the object In the vSphere Web Client, you see this error: The operation is not supported on the object. Cannot create persistent fork child from a non-quiesced virtual machine. Purpose Th...
So I guess this is two questions. 1. How can I migrate them back to the Datastore cluster from the internal datastores. 2. How can I make the internal datastores part of the Datastore cluster.? I tried that and I got this error The operation is not supported on the...
After running a game speedup VPN (, WSL2 cannot running. Reset winsock can fix it. windows power shell: wsl.exe --shutdown netsh winsock reset Reference
Windows Pro Insider Preview Build 19541.rs_prerelease.200102-1216. WSL 2.0 Ubuntu. All commands directed to any wsl-linux end up with instant echo "The attempted operation is not supported for the type of object referenced." and instant ...
Same here. With open text socks installed the wsl2 ubuntu shows the"Error The attempted operation is not supported for the type of object referenced ...". If I try wsl --shutdown netsh winsock reset The wsl2 starts working but the open text socks don't. I had to downgrade the ubuntu...
OSS归档存储类型文件解冻后访问提示“The operation is not valid for the object's state”错误,:问题描述阿里云对象存储OSS的Bucket设置了生命周期,在将归档存储类型的文件解冻后,无法正常访问文件,提示以下错误: StatusCode=403, ErrorCode=InvalidObjectState, Er
StatusCode=403, ErrorCode=InvalidObjectState, ErrorMessage="The operation is not valid for the object's state" 问题原因 归档存储类型的文件解冻后,解冻状态默认持续1天,您可以通过ossutil工具或SDK延长解冻时间,最多延长7天,之后文件又回到冷冻状态。 解决方案 请查看文件...
Any ideas? Really stuck on this one. Let me know if there is anything else I can tell you that may help. Some other info (not sure what it means, so I'll just list it): Exception occured in ADODB.Connection, Operation is not allowed when the object is closed. Help Path is C:\...
今天在测试系统时,一个很正常的功能在firefox下报错,经过验证在ie和chrome浏览器中功能这个正常。 调试后发现: 请求比其他请求的特殊点在于同步请求。 经过firefox的控制台上测试发现错误日志: "[Exception... "A parameteroran operation is not supported by the underlyingobject" ...