@文心快码BaiduComateplatformnotsupportedexception: operation is not supported on this platform. 文心快码BaiduComatePlatformNotSupportedException 是一个在 .NET 中常见的异常,通常发生在尝试执行某个特定于平台的操作,但该操作在当前平台上不受支持时。为了解决这个问题,我们可以遵循您提供的提示来逐步分析和解答。
华为联机对战服务Unity SDK初始化接口报错:鉴权失败,Operation is not supported on this platform 问题现象 使用华为联机对战服务Unity SDK,调用初始化接口报错:鉴权失败,Operation is not supported on this platform 问题分析 检查了接口的配置无误,查看了文档也没找到解决方案。 问题解决 联系了华为技术支持后,给出...
{//处理 下面两种方式都会出现的 Operation is not supported on this platform 异常//RSA.Create().FromXmlString(privateKey)//new RSACryptoServiceProvider().FromXmlString(privateKey)//////扩展FromXmlString/////////publicstaticvoidFromXmlStringExtensions(thisRSA rsa,stringxmlString) { RSAParameters paramet...
GitHub问题dotnet/corefx#5940中对此进行了讨论 Async delegates are not in .NET Core for several reasons: Async delegates use deprecated IAsyncResult-based async pattern. This pattern is generally not supported throughout .NET Core base libraries, e.g. System.IO.Stream does not have IAsyncResult-base...
今天将制作好的项目打包后点击登录按钮没反应(在Unity中运行过一次没问题),原以为是按钮控件的问题,可是添加其他按钮测试又有反应,这时候查看报错提示PlatformNotSupportedException: Operation is not supported on this platform.此平台不支持操作。在网上搜索了各种方法尝试都不行,这时候就想到修改Api Compatibility......
@wolfthegreat,'\bAppX\b'is meant to make the command more robust to rule out false positives - however unlikely they may be; sayImport-Module MyAppX. If you're not worried about that,'AppX'works too, but note that'\bAppX\b'doeswork as intended, as the following simplified example de...
FastReport.NET报错 System.PlatformNotSupportedException:“Operation is not supported on this platform.” VS2022+.NET7 CSFrameworkV6旗舰版踩坑日记: System.PlatformNotSupportedException:“Operation is not supported on this platform.” 详细信息: System.PlatformNotSupportedException HResult=0x80131539 Message...
System.PlatformNotSupportedException:“Operation is not supported on this platform.” from CodeDomProvider class Closed - Not a Bug22 ococean -Reported Mar 22, 2019 7:46 PM when Use .net core 2.2 platform CodeDomProvider class , on run CodeDomProvider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(c...
Version with bug Preview 14 (current) Last version that worked well Unknown/Other Affected platforms iOS, macOS Affected platform versions ios 14.2+ / catalyst 14.0+ Did you find any workaround? nope Relevant log output 'Operation is not supported on this platform. (System.PlatformNotSupportedExce...
PlatformNotSupportedException: Operation is not supported on this platform. Package: Visual Scripting - Dec 08, 2021 (Easier repro steps): 1. Create this graph (or variant, just needs to use that *specific* String Concat node, using 4 objects, not 4 strings): !image-2022-03-21-14...