《The Old Guitarist》通过其独特的艺术手法,揭示了社会底层人民的孤独和苦难。毕加索通过扭曲的造型和象征性的色彩,表达了对社会不公和人性悲剧的关注。这幅画作不仅是对一个特定人物的描绘,更是对整个社会现象的深刻反思。毕加索的《The Old Guitarist》以扭曲的风格和独特的色彩运用,捕捉了社会底层人...
8 “老吉他手(The Old Guitarist)”——毕加索 9 “无题,1949(Untitled, 1949)”——马克-罗斯科(Mark Rothko) 10 “生命之树(Tree of …collection.sina.com.cn|基于37个网页 2. 年老的吉他演奏家 毕加索画作和时期... ... 2. 《生命》- Life 1903 3. 《年老的吉他演奏家》- The Old Guitarist ...
blind. The painting is monochromatic with the dominant color being blue. "The Old Guitarist" is one of Pablo Picasso's most famous works of art and represents his feelings and mood during the period of his life and career known as the Blue Period....
122.9 cm × 82.6 cm The Old Guitaristwas painted in 1903, shortly following Picasso’s friend suicide. After this period, Picasso painted many somber works, including the ill, poor, and individuals who were cast out of society. The work was initially created in Madrid, and the distorted appr...
the old guitaristPablo Picasso
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毕加索 Pablo Picasso的作品「The old blind guitarist 」高清无水印大图免费下载,创作年代:1903,图片尺寸:3648x5472px,风格:表现主义,体裁:风俗画,超高清世界名画尽在-麦田艺术 nbfox.com。