The Old Guitaristis one of the many pieces by Picasso, that were painted in this somber manner, shortly following the period of the loss of his close friend.
8 “老吉他手(The Old Guitarist)”——毕加索 9 “无题,1949(Untitled, 1949)”——马克-罗斯科(Mark Rothko) 10 “生命之树(Tree of …|基于37个网页 2. 年老的吉他演奏家 毕加索画作和时期... ... 2. 《生命》- Life 1903 3. 《年老的吉他演奏家》- The Old Guitarist ...
During Picasso's Blue Period he drew homeless and decrepit people. He drew a lot of street people and prostitutes. He was mostly concentrating on painting pictures that represent pain and suffering. This period lasted from 1901- 1904. "The Old Guitarist" was painted in 1903, so it was durin...
作品名称:The Old Guitarist (1903–1904) 中文名称:老吉他手 艺术家:Pablo Picasso (西班牙, 1881-1973) 材质:布面油画 实际尺寸:122.9 × 82.6 cm 高清图片下载 图片尺寸:10020 x 15000 像素 图片大小:25.6 MB 图片格式:JPG 水印情况:无水印 版权信息:© 2018 Estate of Pablo Picasso / Artists Rights ...
the old guitaristPablo Picasso
The ex-Grease Band guitarist didn’t last long in Wings thanks to his musical instincts; he was never a pop guy. But while he was there, he cut this gem of a solo, which gave a sweet ballad more grit thanPaul McCartneyprobably intended – but he was smart enough to keep it. It’...
Drag You Down is the second single from ex-Bikini Bottoms guitarist and singer and his latest incarnation, the band The Dead Shout.…Read the rest December Singles Round Up 2024 – Part 1 – Midland Railway, Berries, Sloan Brothers, her picture, Baby Brave, Blue Foundation, ...