notebook (ˈnəʊtˌbʊk) n 1. a book for recording notes or memoranda 2. (Banking & Finance) a book for registering promissory notes Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007,...
NBNota Bene(Latin: Note Well) NBNew Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc. NBNew Brunswick NBMathematica Notebook(file extension) NBNational Bank NBNotebook NBNew Business(various locations) NBNews Busters NBNewborn NBNext Best NBNew Braunfels(New Braunfels, Texas) ...
Free content Linking Lookup box Close laptop (redirected fromNotebook PC) Thesaurus Financial Encyclopedia Related to Notebook PC:notebook computer lap·top (lăp′tŏp′) n. A portable computer with a display screen hinged to a keyboard, small enough to use on one's lap. ...
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OneNote. Then there's OneNote, Microsoft's alternative to Evernote. Using its companion Microsoft Office Lens app, you can scan business cards and other documents and save them to your OneNote notebook for free. On your Mac or Windows desktop, you can then right-click on the business car...
You can't be locked out of a notebook because you don't have Wi-Fi, and the same should be true of notes apps. Finally, we had the value for money test. I love a good free app, but with things as permanent as digital notes, that has to be balanced against the likelihood of ...
This course focuses on Python 3.6 and features a total of 32 lectures. You’ll learn how to install the Jupyter Notebook, then move on to topics including data structures, loops, functions, and more. There are five exercises along the way to ensure you comprehend the material. It has a ...
• Utilize the menu bar app for swift note retrieval and management. • Enjoy full offline access to your notes, ensuring your ideas are always within reach. ** Optimize Your Workflow with Smart Actions ** • Connect SnipNotes to your favorite apps using Shortcuts for seamless productivity...
For instance, configuring Machine Learning Workbench to work with virtual machines in Azure for fast processing, transforming data “by example,” and working with Jupyter Notebookz inside Machine Learning Workbench. Frank La Vigne leads the Data & Analytics practice at Wintellect...
Amazon says the update will also offer the ability to convert handwritten notes to text when exporting a notebook to a designated email address. @geekwire New ChatGPT-based e-Book Generator tool from Ink AI can create full-length e-books easily18 May 2023 (Good E-Reader)Apart from its ...