notebook (ˈnəʊtˌbʊk) n 1.a book for recording notes or memoranda 2.(Banking & Finance) a book for registering promissory notes Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009...
5. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) a critical comment, explanatory statement, or reference in the text of a book, often preceded by a number 6. (Banking & Finance) short for banknote 7. a characteristic element or atmosphere: a note of sarcasm. 8. a distinctive vocal sound, as of...
NBNota Bene(Latin: Note Well) NBNew Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc. NBNew Brunswick NBMathematica Notebook(file extension) NBNational Bank NBNotebook NBNew Business(various locations) NBNews Busters NBNewborn NBNext Best NBNew Braunfels(New Braunfels, Texas) ...
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The free Mode Studio notebook is limited to 4GB of RAM and 1 CPU. To effectively manage memory usage in the Mode Notebooks consider (1) data load of query result sets, (2) incremental library installation, (3) memory utilization in session. Data load of query result sets and Datasets ...
The Open Notebook is a nonprofit organization that helps journalists who cover science improve their skills.
Notebook, Pencil, The note image. Free for use. 2 comments The community are waiting to hear from you! Log in or Join Pixabay to view comments notebookpencilthe noterecordingwritediaryalbumopen notebookpageofficeblank pagepaperstationery
Free Essays from Studymode | 1. The Notebook is a classic love story. Duke (aka Noah) and Allie are the two main characters as they are a married couple in...
You can't be locked out of a notebook because you don't have Wi-Fi, and the same should be true of notes apps. Finally, we had the value for money test. I love a good free app, but with things as permanent as digital notes, that has to be balanced against the likelihood of ...
A whiteboard is a useful collaboration tool for teams. Here are the best free online digital whiteboard apps.