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在Mac 中创建的 Android Studio 工程 , 将该项目迁移到 Windows 中后 , 报如下错误 : The project is using an incompatible version (AGP 7.4.2) of the Android Gradle plugin. Latest supported version is AGP 7.3.1 See Android Studio & AGP compatibility options. 1. 2. 3. 二、解决方案 翻译下报...
Android Studio中在新建项目时勾选了 Use legacy licrary 然后在运行项目时提示: This project uses AndroidX dependencies, but the ‘android.useAndroidX‘ property is not enabled 关注公众号 霸道的程序猿 获取编程相关电子书、教程推送与免费下载。 实现 打开项目下 添加如下两行...
手头上维护的一个旧项目,突然打包不了apk了,想了一下,应该是昨天刚刚升级了Android studio 3.5版本导致的。 问题:The project isusing an unsupported version of Gradle. Please point to a supported Gradle version in the project's Gradle settings or in the project's Gradle wrapper (if applicable.) 解...
NDK开发系列目录 Android Studio 4.0+NDK项目开发 Android Studio 4.0+NDK开发 This files is not part of the project 项目场景 我的Android Studio build:gradle版本为4.0.2,gradle的版本为6.1.1,当我创建C++ project项目时,就会出现.cpp文件报红,如图: 问题描述:... ...
今天在导入一个项目的时候,as报错 Error: A library uses the same package as this project 经过百度Google 发现解决办法:在modules的build.gradle下添加这行代码,如果不成功,试试在app 下添加。 1android {2compileSdkVersion 233buildToolsVersion "23.0.1"4enforceUniquePackageName =false56}...
The project is using an incompatiblethe Android Gradle plugin.Latest supported version isAGP7.3.1See Android Studio&AGPcompatibility options. 二、解决方案 翻译下报错信息 :您的项目正在使用一个不兼容的AndroidGradle 插件版本(AGP 7.4.2),最新支持的版本是 AGP 7.3.1。
This version of Android Studio cannot open this project, please retry with Android Studio 3.6 or...
titleoutputFileName About index.html Nearby Sharing (NearShare) This repo contains a fully functional implementation of theMS-CDPandNearShareprotocol that powers theWindows 10+built-in sharing functionality (AkaProject Rome). Note This repository contains a fully functionalAndroidapp that serves as a...
Android Studio 升级到3.0后出现编译错误Error:Cannot choose between the following configurations of project,前段时间将AndroidStudio升级到3.0后,原本一切正常的项目出现编译错误Error:Cannotchoosebetweenthefollowingconfigurationsofproject:**: -debugApiEl