Installers Windows IDE bundle with SDK (64-bit):android-studio-bundle-162.4069837-windows.exe(2020009280 bytes) Windows IDE only (64-bit):android-studio-ide-162.4069837-windows.exe(473299352 bytes) Mac:android-studio-ide-162.4069837-mac.dmg(486148957 bytes) SHA-256 Checksums dc23bc968d381a5ca7fdd...
Learn more. With your consent, JetBrains may also use cookies and your IP address to collect individual statistics and provide you with personalized offers and ads subject to the Privacy Notice and the Terms of Use. JetBrains may use third-party services for this purpose. You can adjust or ...
maven{ url "file://F:/githubrepo/releases" } //或者使用指定的远程maven库 maven{ url "远程库地址" } } dependencies { //应用格式: packageName:artifactId:version compile ''} android { } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15...
因为本地电脑中存在旧版本Android Studio,也就已经存在SDK,则不需要下载sdk-tools。 下载gradle的最新版本 官网地址: 下载地址: 如果不需要手动更新gradle版本,则不需要下载。可以通过Android Studio下载安装最新版本(需要FQ) 备份旧版本的gradle【对于旧版本还是使用2.1...
In the Gradle build script, both versions should be set: the build number and the release number. To figure out the exact release number based on the build number, seeAndroid Studio Releases List. TheGradle Build Scriptsection below explains how to set the IntelliJ Platform version to match ...
Project uses agreed code style ProtonStyle.xml for java. Import it in Android studio viaFile>>Settings>>Editor>>Code style>>Import SchemeFor kotlin's code style we use ktlint with default rules Contributing If you would like to contribute, please keep in mind the following rules: ...
A categorized collection of Android Open Source Projects, More powerful web version: - Trinea/android-open-project
{// 多个仓库时必须指定 name// name = "test"//允许使用非https加密地址仓库地址allowInsecureProtocol=trueurl=""credentials{username="admin"password="admin123"}}}publications{PublicationContainerpublication->// 任务名称(名称可以随便定义):releaseMavenrelease...
接入环境:Android Studio。 5.1.1 添加仓库地址 首先需要在项目的build.gradle文件中引入如下配置: allprojects { repositories { ... // 极光仓库 maven { url '' } google() jcenter() mavenCentral() } } 5.1.2 添加ADJgSdk和需要的AdapterSd...
By default, the SDK automatically checks for new releases: When the application starts. When the application goes into foreground after going to background. When enabling the Distribute module if previously disabled. If you want to check for new releases manually, you can disable automatic check ...