(good)1.把主场交给用户,让他说他真正想说的内容2.人们通常想帮你,但你需要给他们一个机会n.使用mom test1.问题的关键是了解用户的生活,他们的问题、约束、目标等等2.运用这些痛点找宣传解决点 (三)剔除无效数据a.无效数据的三个典型1赞美、奉承2泛泛而谈3想法b.赞美、奉承(赞美在顾客调研中除了好看毫无用处...
Rob Fitzpatrick 的这本书的全名很长:The Mom Test, How to Talk to Customers & learn if your business is a good idea when everybody is lying to you… 这个标题背后的意思是:如果你跟用户聊天,得有一些技巧以及对自己的约束,不然你很可能就会「被哄骗」。这样的哄骗未必是用户有什么不好的目的,本质上...
一种不依靠刻意寻找便发现合意事物的能力 如何收获商业创意的反馈为什么这本书叫 The Mom Test?因为创业者在试图寻求专业意见和市场反馈时往往抱有小孩般的期待,希望对方听到自己的主意后给予赞赏,得到肯定。如此获得的反馈往往具有强烈的误导性。正确做法是尽量克制自己的真实想法,用巧妙的提问获取最真实有效的数据。不...
At this point, the daughter looked at the mom with total admiration and asked, “Momma, how do you know all this stuff. You are so smart.” The mom was thinking quickly, “All moms know this stuff. It’s on the Mom Test. You have to know it, or they don’t let you be a Mom...
《The Mom Test》大纲 一、引言 揭示"Mom Test"的本质与重要性 强调真实用户反馈在产品开发中的重要性 二、如何进行Mom Test 选择合适的测试对象 寻找具有代表性的目标用户 确保测试对象能够坦诚地提供反馈 设计有效的测试问题 避免引导性或模糊性问题 关注用户的真实需求和痛点 营造良好的测试环境 确保测试对象在...
The Mom Test offers some practical rules to have better conversations and uncover valuable insights to improve your idea.
The article considers the role of women in measuring the simplicity of technology. "With e-mail, it wasn't till my mom could use it that it became ubiquitous.The real test is always the mom test," says Brad Treat, the boss of SightSpeed, an internet video company. Mothers come up ...
Define mom test. mom test synonyms, mom test pronunciation, mom test translation, English dictionary definition of mom test. n informal US a test of the user-friendliness of a computer device or software based on the extent to which a user's mother is ab
Book: The Mom Test, Rob Fitzpatrick Review Talking to potential customers about your idea is not enough. You need to ask the right questions, the right way to get relevant answers. Great book, re-read it once already. Should’ve taken the advice in the book to heart for at least one ...
The mom test. 来自 EBSCO 喜欢 0 阅读量: 167 摘要: The article considers the role of women in measuring the simplicity of technology. "With e-mail, it wasn't till my mom could use it that it became ubiquitous.The real test is always the mom test," says Brad Treat, the boss of ...