Muhammad: The Messenger of God: Majid Majidi द्वारा निर्देशित. Mahdi Pakdel, Sareh Bayat, Mina Sadati, Ali Reza Shoja'noori के साथ. 7वीं शताब्दी ईस्व
Journal of the Adventist Theological Society, 19(1), 18-39.Pertaining to the Old Testament message, see Jiri Moskala, "The Message of God's People in the Old Testament," Perspective Digest 15:2 (2010), pp. 4-18.Moskala, J. (2008). The Message of God‟s People in the Old ...
Please in the name of God i ask for your little time to read this message again carefully to the excellency of our mutual benefit. 以父之名,我将借用你一点时间再一次认真阅读这篇文章来实现我们相互完美的得益。 4. Leo had no doubt that Charlemagne received his emperor's crow...
I may not do it, but this Message will introduce Jesus Christ to the world. For, “As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming, so is the Message to forerun the second Coming.” And John said, “Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.” See?
2、God gives us evil at the same time, also give us conquer evil weapons. 神赋予我们恶的同时,也给我们征服恶的武器。 3、Any a labor is a noble, lofty career only labor. 任何一项劳动都是崇高的,崇高的事业只有劳动。 4、Cease to struggle and you cease to live. ...
If the grace of God is relatively easy to understand and its benefits so amazing, why do you think most people never accept it? 如果上帝的恩典很容易理解,并且能带来不可思议的益处,那你认为为什么大多数的人都拒绝接受它呢? How can you share the message of God’s grace with a friend or fami...
He was with the God in the beginning. 太初有道,道与神同在,道就是神。这道与神同在。《圣经》的英译本是从希腊文版本翻译过来的。而本篇的第一句的希腊文是Έν άρχή ήν ό λόγος,对应的英文就是In the beginning was the Word,也就是说,λόγος被《圣经》英译者...
Wanda left the most cryptic message on my answering machine. Before she left for rehab. She intimated that you and Karl were having some sort of marital problems.cryptic['krɪptɪk]:含义模糊的,隐晦的rehab:名词。吸毒者或酗酒者的康复中心。intimate:常见的是形容词用法“亲密的”。剧中是动词...
1."I endure all things for the sake of God's own people; so that they also may obtain salvation...and with it eternal glory."“我为选民凡事忍耐,叫他们也可以得着……救恩,和永远的荣耀”2.Wholly for the sake of God he should proclaim His Message, and with that same ...
Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man.每一个孩子出生时都带来信息说:神对人并未灰心失望。——(印度)泰戈尔《飞鸟集》 《飞鸟集》 《飞鸟集》是印度诗人泰戈尔创作的诗集,它包括325首清丽的无标题小诗,首次出版于1916年。这些诗的基本题材多为极其常见事物,不外乎小草、...