The Institute's most notorious publication was its dejudaized version of the New Testament, released in 1940, titled Die Botschaft Gottes (The Message of God; figure 2). This was a book of some 304 pages, comprising a Foreword signed by Walter Grundmann and four others, which said that ...
10 Noch in derselben Nacht sorgte die Gemeinde in Thessalonich dafür, dass Paulus und Silas nach Beröa abreisen konnten. Auch dort gingen die beiden gleich wieder in die Synagoge. 11 Die Juden in Beröa waren eher bereit, Gottes Botschaft anzunehmen, als die in Thessalonich. Sie h...
148-149: Paul propagates ταπεινοφροσύνη as ethos, which has characteristics of an ethical, but even more of a dianoetic (phronesis), virtue. For the striving for conformity to Christ and fellowship with God reckons with an establishment of the justice of God, for which ...
Click here to read why, as Calvinism teaches, God must first “regenerate” you out of a “dead” and “fallen” state (a state in which you always reject God’s will in some way due to a love of sin and hatred for everything God is) so we will have the ability to make the co...
The poem begins with the promising message of peace from the Christmas story, and then depicts the history of the world after Christ’s birth as a time of war in which the belief in justice and peace had been retained, however; a peace that promises to become reality for future ...
“Die Sehapparate der frühen Neuzeit stellen nicht nur ihre Objekte, son-dern den Vorgang des Sehens selbst vor Augen”(Witthaus 2005, 27). Aside from the actual“message from the stars,”the telescope communicates its own entry into scientificThe Horizon of the Horizon235 Witthaus’s approach...
An English translation of the Forward to Die Botschaft Gottes. Die Botschaft Gottes is a heavily-edited version of the New Testament produced by Christian theologians within Nazi Germany.Ryan Buesnel