Gear. On the meaning of relative importance. Journal of Multi- criteria Decision Analysis, 6(6):335-338, 1997. 131Belton V and Gear T (1997). Discussion: On the meaning of relative importance. J Multi-Crit Decis Anal 6: 335-338....
What is the meaning of the term "elevation’’? A. The angle of the satelLite to the equator. B. The satellite height above the horizon as seen from the ship. C. The relative bearing of the satellite to the vessel's course. D. The height of the antenna above the main deck. ...
C Vocabulary Review: Definitions Match the words with their meaning.1. relative a. a person who studies society2. divorced b. become an adult3. population c. small job4. task d. have enough money to buy (something)5. sociologist e. extremely tired6. majority f. person7. grow up g. ...
Define Relative term. Relative term synonyms, Relative term pronunciation, Relative term translation, English dictionary definition of Relative term. a term which implies relation to, as guardian to ward, matter to servant, husband to wife. Cf. Correlati
2.frame of reference- a system of assumptions and standards that sanction behavior and give it meaning frame system of rules,system- a complex of methods or rules governing behavior; "they have to operate under a system they oppose"; "that language has a complex system for indicating gender"...
Start each day with the Word of the Day in your inbox! Sign Up By clicking "Sign Up", you are accepting Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policies. Quiz Q: “Pisces” comes from Latin, meaning … “fish”: the constellation depicts two fish. “water carrier”: its imagery...
In so-called ‘simple societies’, the most important STATUSES are those defined predominantly in terms of kinship and, consequently, anthropologists have directed a great deal of attention to the structure and meaning attached both to kinship and to kinship nomenclature. Many early anthropologists (...
the functional responses at community level, taking in consideration diatom class sizes, life forms and ecological guilds. Finally, we propose a four-step procedure that could be used in future research to better interpret the ecological meaning of diatom teratological form's presence in the ...
(1)Meaningofextinction:Extinctionsarewhereentirespeciesarewipedout,whicharenotunusual inourEarth’shistory. (2)Thenumberofextinctionsthathaveoccurredsofar:Inthepast500millionyears,therehave beenfivetimesextinctions,inwhichover90%ofallspeciesthateverlivedarenowextinct. (3)Twonotableextinctionsandtheirconsequences:...
B. Armstrong, C. Zugarramurdi, A. Cabana, J. Valle Lisboa, D. Plaut, Relative meaning frequencies for 578 homonyms in two Spanish dialects: A cross-linguistic extension of the English eDom norms, Behavior Research Methods 48. doi:10.3758/s13428-015-0639-3....