The meaning of RELATIVE is a word referring grammatically to an antecedent. How to use relative in a sentence.
Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? Popular in Wordplay See All What do SCOTUS, POTUS, and FLOTUS mean? More Words with Remarkable Origins Terroir, Oenophile, & Magnum: Ten Words About Wine ...
Value is relative to demand. (of a term, name, etc.) depending for significance upon something else: “Better” is a relative term. Grammar. noting or pertaining to a word that introduces a subordinate clause of which it is, or is a part of, the subject or predicate and that refers ...
Relative major definition: the major key whose tonic is the third degree of a given minor key.. See examples of RELATIVE MAJOR used in a sentence.
11.Types of Word Meaning (Supplementarymaterial)TypesofWordMeaning 词义类型Wordmeaningisacompositeconsistingofdifferentcomponents,whichareknowninfamiliartermsasdifferenttypesofmeaning.1.GrammaticalMeaningandLexicalMeaning Grammaticalmeaningreferstothepartof themeaningofthewordthatindicatesgrammaticalconceptorrelationships...
The set of elements (or their relative proportions) used by life based on some other element might be somewhat different from that used by carbon-based life on Earth. But the elements are still products of stars and would still be present in planetesimals everywhere. No matter what kinds of...
An area of grassland vegetation with very simple structure, for example, has a very different microclimate at the ground level from that experienced in the upper canopy. Wind speeds are lower, temperatures are lower during the day (but warmer at night), and the relative humidity is much ...
”and so on.Some people think of a family as amother,a father,and their children other include grandparents,aunts,uncles,and cousins.For some of us ,family means the group of relative living far away from home.For others,having a family simply means having children.Some families have long...
Scandinavia, part of northern Europe, generally held to consist of the two countries of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Norway and Sweden, with the addition of Denmark. Some authorities argue for the inclusion of Finland on geologic and economic grounds and
mass.For example, tellurium comes before iodine in the periodic table, even though its atomic mass is slightly greater.Such anomalies are due to the relative abundance of the "isotopes" or varieties of each element.All the isotopes of a given element have the same number of protons, but ...