It was about five days before Christmas and I was in the nursery waiting for Danny to get his lunch-break so that we could go together to a local cafe, when I noticed a guy coming in and paused to stare for a moment until I registered who he was. It was the rude chap who’d bo...
Answer to: A ball is thrown in the air. Its height, h m, at any time t seconds is given by: h = 5t (4 - t) What is the maximum height reached by...
Striatal dopamine encodes reward, with recent work showing that dopamine release occurs in spatiotemporal waves. However, the mechanism of dopamine waves is unknown. Here we report that acetylcholine release in mouse striatum also exhibits wave activity,
A golf ball on the greenThe green of the hole is where the pin, flag, and hole are located, and as such, it forms the outer target players must aim for. The green is usually surrounded by a fringe. Golfers generally use only putters to strike the ball while on the green. The ...
Yet notwithstanding, as those that first bring honor into their family, are commonly more worthy than most that succeed, so the first precedent (if it be good) is seldom attained by imitation. View in context He had been looking at Alice for some time with great curiosity, and this was ...
A ball is thrown vertically upwards with a velocity of49ms−1. Calculate :The maximum height to which it rises View Solution An object is thrown vertically upwards and rises to a height of 10 m. Calculate (i) the velocity with which the object was thrown upwards and (ii) the time tak...
Typical psychophysiological, locomotor, and mechanical demands attained in a match can be constrained by contextual factors (also known as situational factors)14,15, naturally emphasizing the importance of monitoring systematically. Among those contextual factors, we can consider the match location (playin...
Having already attained two of his goals, Parker’s December letter was mailed to about 2,800 alumni, which laid out the troubling state of the Association and outlined the five objectives. “There can be no question,” Parker wrote, “but that a state university . . . has need for an...
While it is always a good idea to buy high-quality balls when you can, remember that you don’t always need the most expensive balls available. This is especially true if you are a newer player or haven’t yet attained a very high skill level. ...
The number of balls thrown by a player is detected by a ball sensing subsystem 41 having logic 42 which is reset at the beginning of each game by a reset signal on input 43. The logic 42 is connected to a ball sensing device 44 which might be a pressure sensitive switch located at th...