Learn the definition of Maximum height and browse a collection of 149 enlightening community discussions around the topic.
1. the highest amount, value, or degree attained or attainable. 2. an upper limit allowed by law or regulation. 3. a. the value of a mathematical function at a certain point in its domain, which is greater than or equal to the values at all other points in the immediate vicinity...
Prove that the maximum horizontal range is four times the maximum height attained by the projectile, when fired at an inclination, so as to have maximum horizontal range. A projectile is fired such that its horizontal range is equal to 2.5 times it...
If R is the radius of earth, what is the maximum height attained by An object is projected upward from the surface of the earth with an initial speed of 2 km/s. The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s^2. Find the maximum height ...
The most interesting lubricant parameter is without a doubt the maximum shear stress attained in the pressure spike region. The shear stress in a thin film is given byτzx=12∂p∂x(2z−h)+(u2−u1)ηh Using the Hertz parameters this equation can be written in a dimensionless form ...
The maximum height of the rocket is 940m, what is the minA mass m is thrown upward with initial velocity v_0. Air resistance is proportional to its instantaneous velocity with the constant of proportionality being k. ...
What formula would you use to calculate the minimum required speed? What is optimum velocity? What is the formula needed to find speed? The acceleration of a vehicle is a(t) = At - Bt^2, where A = 1.50 m/s^3 and B = 0.120 m/s^4. Calculate the maximum velocity attained. ...
Suppose we wish to find any extremum attained by a continuous function {eq}f(x,y) {/eq} subject to a continuous constraint function {eq}g(x,y,z) = 0 {/eq}. Suppose that continuous first order partial derivatives exist for both functions. Then by the Lagr...
Determine the time when the ball reaches its maximum height and fin A ball thrown vertically upward at time t = 0s with initial velocity 80 ft/s and with initial height function y(t) = -16t^2 + 80t + 96 a) What...
A maximum drawdown (MDD) is the maximum loss from a peak to a trough of a portfolio, before a new peak is attained.