The Magi brought presents to Jesus Christ on the first Christmas of all Christmases. They first had the idea of giving Christmas presents. They were wise. Here I have told you this story of two foolish children in a poor set of rooms who gave up for each other his or her greatest treas...
I sold my gold watch to get the money to buy the set of combs for your hair. And now, why not put the meat on." The magi were wise men--wonderfully wise men--who brought gifts to the Baby Jesus. They invented the art of giving Christmas gifts. Being wise, their gifts were wise...
Themagiwere wise men--wonderfully wise men--who brought gifts to the Baby Jesus. They invented the art of giving Christmas gifts. Being wise, their gifts were wise ones. And here I have told you the story of two young people who most unwisely gave for each other the greatest treasures ...
TheGiftOfTheMagi经典短篇小说阅读课件(共42张PPT) 11 Whathappendtoher? Aretheirgiftsvaluable? ? 山东省高中英语名著阅读教学行动研究会——TheGiftOfTheMagi经典短篇小说阅读 TheGiftOfTheMagi经典短篇小说阅读课件(共42张PPT) TheGiftOfTheMagi经典短篇小说阅读课件(共42张PPT) Meetthewriter 山东省高中英语名著...
The meaning of THE MAGI is the three wise men in the Bible who come from the East with gifts for the baby Jesus.
thegiftofthemagi麦琪的礼物ppt课件讲义.ppt,The gift of the Magi 《麦琪的礼物》;本文档后面有精心整理的常用PPT编辑图标,以提高工作效率;The gift of the Magi;His best known short stories consisted of :“The Cop and the Anthem”, “The Gift of the Magi ”,
11、 教学课件高中英语选修课:英语文学欣赏 美国文学The Gift of the Magi(麦琪的礼物) 教学课件,The Magi- are the three wise men coming to sending gifts at the time Jesus was born. They created the custom of sending gifts which represented being respectful, holy and noble to each other at Chr...
Luckily,Jesus'father Joseph(/dʒəuzif/约瑟夫) hadbeenwarnedofthe dangerbyanangel.So theyhadsuccessfully escapedtoEgypt. Therefore,themagi notonlybrought gifts,butalsohelped tosavethechild. Theyarebelievedto betheoneswho inventedtheartof givingChristmas presents. PartIComprehensionandappreciation Time:...
present,holdingoutthewatchchain.Jimsmiles,fallingbackonthecouch.Hesoldhiswatchto buyDellascombs,heexplains.Herecommendstheyputawaytheirpresentsandhavedinner.As theydoso,thenarratorbringsthestorytoaclosebypronouncingthatDellaandJimarethe wisestofeveryonewhogivesgifts.Theyarethemagi. BookReviewofTheGiftoftheMagi...