It is so named for Roland Madden and Paul Julian of NCAR, who discovered the wave in the early 1970s. Its identification and possible forecasting is of considerable importance in long-range predictability of tropical and subtropical weather as well as short-term climate variability. The MJO is ...
improve the simulation of MJO-like signals. 1. Introduction and history The Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO) is a relative new research topic in atmospherics and oceanic sciences. This feature was first described by Roland A. Madden and Paul R. Julian in their paper: Detection of a 40-50 ...
The Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) and Kelvin waves coupled to convection are separately isolated through space-time spectral and EOF analysis of long record of Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) in the tropics. The three dimensional dynamical structure of these disturbances is described using wind, ...
The Madden-Julian Oscillation's (MJO) role in intraseasonal climate variability on the global scale provides a critical starting point for operational extended range forecasts (2-4 weeks). The influence of the MJO extends to the timing of monsoons, phasing and intensity of the El Ni帽o-...
doi:10.1007/s00382-015-2576-3Eric C. J. OliverKeith R. ThompsonClimate DynamicsE.C. Oliver, K.R. Thompson, Predictability of the Madden-Julian Oscillation index: seasonality and dependence on MJO phase, Clim. Dyn. 46 (1-2) (2016) 159-176....
This and other evidence support the hypothesis that tropospheric moisture variations are central to the dynamics of the Madden–Julian Oscillation (MJO), the most prominent mode of tropical intraseasonal variability. Numerous studies have developed this hypothesis into a view of the MJO in which it ...
The Madden-Julian oscillation, barotropic dynamics, and North Pacific tropical cyclone formation. Part I: Observations Low-level barotropic dynamics may help to explain the modulation of eastern and western North Pacific tropical cyclones by the Madden-Julian oscillation (M... M Ed.,H Dl. - 《Jo...
The Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) dominates the intraseasonal variability of this convection. However, the influence of the MJO on the variability of stratospheric gravity waves is largely unknown. Here we examine gravity wave potential energy at 26 km and the upper tropospheric zonal wind anomaly...
The Madden–Julian Oscillation, Forecast Initialization, and Subseasonal PredictabilityC. Jones
Forecast skill is usually higher when the Madden--Julian oscillation (MJO) is active and has enhanced convection occurring over the Western Hemisphere, Africa, and/or the western Indian Ocean than in quiescent periods. HSS greater than 0.1 extends to lead times of up to two weeks in these ...